ColdFusion 2021 "refreshed" installers available (with update 5)...but only in one place for now
If you find this post in 2023 or beyond and are looking for the CF2021 installers, please read this update before proceeding. I started to get a lot of comments once CF2023 came out. This post is from Oct 2022, about new installers offered at that time, while CF2021 was still the latest version.To be clear, once Adobe comes out with a new version, they REMOVE the installers of the old version from the public pages of their site. Does that mean you're stuck and CANNOT get the installers, perhaps that "you paid for"? No, it does NOT mean that. You just need to know where to find them.
1) First, if you are the person who BOUGHT CF, then you should have an account at either or, and you can find the installers you paid for there.
2) If instead you either DID NOT buy CF (perhaps using the free trial edition), or someone ELSE bought it (maybe you don't know who it is), or you just can't get into that account, note that there is an online repository of old (and new) installers at, which is managed by trusted community members, including myself.
Now, back to what the original post was about...
Here's some surprising news: Adobe has released a "refreshed" installer for CF2021, which includes update 5 (which came out last week) built-in.
Read on for (much) more.
Further, yes, "I know", but you could be forgiven wondering how anyone could. Your question led me to look and see that the update technotes for cf2021 make no mention of this (as of today), though those for cf2018 did, with one of the boxes at the top indicating that.
Adobe must have lost track of putting that in once they started creating them for cf2021. But in fact they've always been cumulative. And to be clear I've reported this Adobe today, so hopefully they'll get it corrected soon.
Otherwise, note that the cfmlrepo site ( is maintained by several of us in the community and has installers or zip and other files for current and past releases.
If something's missing, it can be added. Feel free to mention anything missing here regarding CF2021, which is the focus of the post. Or as noted on the site, you can also reach out to Gavin Pickin via twitter/x @gpickin.
Anyone know where they are available?
I'm going to go ahead now and clarify this in the post also, for folks who aren't inclined to read comments before offering them (I do understand).
And because some will also not read far into the post but instead merely find it in googling for the installers, I'll emblazon the point at very the top of the post.
Finally, as I was writing this, your next comment came in, where you said you found it at https://account.adob... instead. I will be sure to point that out also. Thanks for adding it.
I have used cfmlrepo in the past. I prefer getting from official source whenever possible. Maybe I shouldn't be so nervous about relying on the repo files.
BTW, I had edited the top of the page to clarify this matter after my last comment--then I got called into a client meeting. And I saw just now that I had left an unclosed bold by mistake, so the whole page was bolded since then. Doh. I just fixed it. Just clarifying in case anyone else noticed it. I'll remove this second paragraph shortly as it won't matter except to those who viewed it in this last half hour.
So your point is that these comments are presented with the oldest first. That's an interesting observation. I'd not really given it much thought, as it had just always been like this. I will give some consideration to changing it, looking at what's more common in other blogs I read. (I could also let folks choose to change whatever I make the default.)
Let's not discuss this here, as it's way off-topic, but I welcome comments from anyone directly. My contact info (email and social media) are offered on the right here (or at the bottom or top on mobile). Thanks for getting me to give it some thought.
BTW, I myself never run into the problem because I tend to use the shortcut in all browsers where you can just type a domain name even without .com (so just "cfmlrepo") and then hit ctrl-enter, which fills in the www and the .com (other keys can do .org, .net, etc.) But that also always does http://, which is why I never had seen this problem myself until folks raised it.
Let's hope Gavin and crew will sort it out soon.