Welcome to CArehart.org, site of server troubleshooter Charlie Arehart, who serves the community with both consulting services and several free, deep resources:
  • Charlie's server support/consulting services - Have you got server troubleshooting challenges (with CF/Lucee or other CFML servers,or Tomcat or other JEE servers)? Charlie's got solutions! He has helped over 1,000 customers with server troubleshooting, tuning migration, and security, as well as installation, configuration, and administration support (and training). He works primarily remotely (on-demand, very short-term help, no "remote access" required), or on-site visits can be arranged.
  • Endorsements of Charlie's work, from several dozen clients
  • Charlie's blog - where he shares tips and news of value to administrators, developers, and even business managers
  • Charlie's presentations - links to his past 160+ presentations to hundreds of user groups and conferences
  • Charlie's CF411.com site, a listing of over 2,000 tools/resources in more than 150 categories
  • Charlie's resource lists - a compendium of dozens of resources to help administrators and developers in a variety of ways
  • Charlie's top/most often recommended resources - from blog posts to tools, and more
  • The Online ColdFusion Meetup which Charlie hosts, an online CF user group with over 2,700 members
  • Charlie's UGTV site - home to over 750 recordings of presentations by more than 300 popular CFUG speakers
  • Charlie's articles - links to his 100+ articles for dozens of sites and magazines over the years
Find Charlie's other resources and contributions.

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