Need to reach Charlie?

Please be sure to review at least the top of Charlie's Consulting page before initially requesting his services.
Email: support (at)
Phone: (1) 678 825 8630

Book time with Charlie via his online calendar (at right)

Address: 410 Morgan Rd, Jamestown KY 42629 USA

You can also find/reach Charlie via:

About Charlie Arehart

A veteran server troubleshooter who's worked in enterprise IT for more than three decades, Charlie Arehart (@carehart) is a longtime contributor to the community who as an independent consultant provides remote, short-term, and even on-demand troubleshooting/tuning assistance for organizations of all sizes and experience levels (

Charlie also: Charlie also runs several community resources, including:
  • the Online ColdFusion Meetup,, the world's largest CF user group with over 2,800 members
  • the CF411 site with over 2,000 resources and tools of interest to CFers
  • the UGTV repository of recorded user group presentations from hundreds of speakers all over the world
Living with his wife, Kim, in south central KY since 2015, Charlie serves customers worldwide in his consulting practice, with customers as varied as large name-brand organizations, government agencies, hosting companies, and small to medium sized businesses (endorsements, rates, resume/CV.)

Among his other accomplishments are: Other resources he's created in the past, many with tips and info still relevant today:
  • Tipicalcharlie (a non-CF tip site he created in April 2005, with the demise of, but available via that link at the site)
  • His older CFMXPlus blog , from 2002-2003
  • His BlueDragon blog, from 2003-2006 (now defunct, with the demise of, but available via that link at the site)
  • His original tips list from 1998-2002, from before the days of blogging, at his former SysteManage site
  • Other resources he's contributed to the CFDJ (including a series of CF Advisor tips from 1999-2000) are available via CFDJ contributions (Articles and tips posted at CFDJ)

As additional background about his previous 15 years in enterprise IT (1982-1997) before getting into web apps, he worked with very large scale database systems, first in development then administration, doing the same sort of writing, speaking, mentoring that he now does related to web application management. He worked on some of the largest databases in the world at the US Health Care Financing Administration (now CMMS, then with 60 billion records) and the Australian Department of Social Security (now Centrelink).

It's amazing how much of that prior experience (building interactive applications and managing them and the database in a mainframe environment called Model 204) translated to the web and CF.

Indeed, from his days working with 204 back then, he ran still another resource (now long-gone, but accessible courtesy of the fantastic web archive):
  • The Ultimate 204 Site, which he ran for several years. (To those who find this and are looking for 204 help, Charlie has not worked with it since 1996 and can offer no useful assistance.)
For additional information about Charlie's 30+ years in IT, see his resume.

Specialties: Server Troubleshooting/Tuning; Admin/Config; Security; Monitoring, Debugging, and more; ColdFusion and Java Appliation Servers (Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly, WebSphere, WebLogic, end); .NET; SQL Server

BTW, the site name is, not It's easy to mispell, so I've set up a honeypot to catch those who may search using that misspelling, to redirect them to the right place.

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