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ColdFusion 2021 "refreshed" installers available (with update 5)...but only in one place for now

Update since original posting:
If you find this post in 2023 or beyond and are looking for the CF2021 installers, please read this update before proceeding. I started to get a lot of comments once CF2023 came out. This post is from Oct 2022, about new installers offered at that time, while CF2021 was still the latest version.

To be clear, once Adobe comes out with a new version, they REMOVE the installers of the old version from the public pages of their site. Does that mean you're stuck and CANNOT get the installers, perhaps that "you paid for"? No, it does NOT mean that. You just need to know where to find them.

1) First, if you are the person who BOUGHT CF, then you should have an account at either https://account.adobe.com/products or https://licensing.adobe.com/, and you can find the installers you paid for there.

2) If instead you either DID NOT buy CF (perhaps using the free trial edition), or someone ELSE bought it (maybe you don't know who it is), or you just can't get into that account, note that there is an online repository of old (and new) installers at cfmlrepo.com, which is managed by trusted community members, including myself.

Now, back to what the original post was about...

Here's some surprising news: Adobe has released a "refreshed" installer for CF2021, which includes update 5 (which came out last week) built-in.

Read on for (much) more.

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Presenters welcome at the online CF Meetup

This is a call to anyone who may have a CF-oriented presentation: we would welcome you presenting it on the Online ColdFusion Meetup.

[Edit] This post originally had been addressed to speakers at last week's great Adobe CF Summit. Adobe had been unable to arrange streaming or recording of the dozens of presentations. But it turns out that at the same time I was writing it, Adobe was posting that they will be asking Summit presenters to present on webinars they will arrange. As such, I withdraw here my request to host those presentations, as I certainly don't mean to lead to any confusion over things.

Still, I will leave up this post as a general offering to ANY presenters, on of course ANY CF topics. :-) Read on for more.

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I'll be presenting at the online CFMeetup, on Adobe's 'new' CFSetup tool, useful for any CF version

This topic may (should) interest folks using CF2021 or even OLDER CF versions. Did you know there's a command line tool to help view/manage as well as export/import CF Admin settings? I will be presenting a talk on this, Thursday. Anyone can attend online.

Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup that I run will already have gotten notification about this, but those who are not:

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FusionReactor 9 has been released, with improvements for Cloud and on-prem users

Great news for FusionReactor users: FR9 has been released. Those using it may have noticed they are getting a notification in the FR UI about the update.

On this post I want to point out what's new (improved or fixed), and indicate what aspects apply to users only of the FR Cloud feature, and what aspects apply to users of the on-prem version as well. (I will also briefly explain the difference between those, for folks not aware.)

I'll also point to info on how to update FR (if you may not do it often), and finally discuss what resources do exist about FR 9.

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I'll be presenting at Adobe CF Summit 2022, and marking some anniversaries

I'm delighted to have been selected again to speak at October's Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2022 conference, which is being held in-person again finally--in Vegas as before. After I share the news of that talk, I want to also note some anniversaries related to this event and my session.

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Presenting tomorrow on comparing CF docker images, at IntotheBox Precon

Just a heads-up to my readers that I'll be giving a talk tomorrow (Thurs, Sep 1 at noon Eastern) on "Comparing and contrasting Docker images from Ortus, Adobe, and Lucee", at the Into the Box "pre-conference" event.

Update 9/1/22: the recording was posted. I'll link to it in the discussion about getting access to those (not free, for now).

The preconference sessions (like the full conference sessions next week) are NOT free, but they ARE available to anyone who signs up for the conference, which is just $99 (until midnight Sep 6) for a virtual pass, giving you access to over 30 sessions on all kinds of content related to CF, CFML, Lucee, and web technology. More in a moment about finding more on those sessions and accessing recordings, which ARE included in that virtual event ticket.

First, as for my talk, it will be:

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New updates released for Java 8, 11, 17, and 18 as of Jul 19 2022

Here's a heads-up that some will want to hear about: there are new JVM updates released today (Jul 19, 2022) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, and 17, as well as the new interim update 18. (Note that prior to Java 9, releases of Java were known technically as 1.x, so 8 is referred to in resources below as 1.8.)

TLDR: The new updates are 1.8.0_341, (aka 8u341), 11.0.16, 17.0.4, and 18.0.1 respectively). And as is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes as each other (though not always).

Oracle calls them "critical patch updates" (yep, CPU), but they are scheduled quarterly updates, so take that "critical" nomenclature for what it is. For more on each of them, including what changed and the several security fixes they each contain (including their CVE scores regarding urgency of concerns), see the Oracle resources I list below. I also a bit more if you may be skipping to this from a JVM update from before Apr 2021, as well as info for Adobe ColdFusion users on where to find the updated Java versions, what JVM versions Adobe CF supports, and more.

For some folks, that's all they need to hear. For others, read on for topics like:

  • Finding more info on these Jul 2022 Java updates
  • News for my CF audience (getting the Java updates from Adobe or Oracle, how to update, why you should NOT for now use Java 17, etc)
  • Should you apply the update? how soon?
  • Beware a change in the April 2021 JVM update, if you may be skipping over it
  • Wrapping up, getting more help

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My presentation will open CF DevWeek this week: CF, more modern than most realize

Just thought I'd post a reminder for folks that I am giving the opening session for the 2022 CF Dev Week, running July 18-22. Registration is free, of course.

My session will be at 9a 930a Eastern on Monday July 18:

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Java 10 added a var keyword that is quite different from that in CFML

Did you know that Java 10 (and above) has added use of a "var" keyword in variable declaration? Note that it's quite different from CFML's var keyword.

This is NOT something that CF developers NEED to know, and it WILL NOT affect anyone's CFML code.

I just thought I'd share news of it as I happened to learn of it today (though Java 10 came out nearly 5 years ago). More than anything, I thought it worth mentioning for the sake of either CF folks or Java folks who may come to work with CFML, to help each group understand how that Java var keyword is so very different from the one used in ColdFusion, for better or worse.

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What's new FusionReactor 8.8.0, released Jul 12, 2023

Good news for FusionReactor users: a new version, 8.8.0, has just been released. You can see a list of several bullet points about it in the release notes. Most of the improvements will benefit those using the traditional on-premise version of FR, while the couple that refer to FR Cloud are rather minor.

TLDR: If it's enough for you to know that FR is now updated and those bullets may suffice, you now have what you need to know. :-) In this post, I want to expand on the very brief bullets in those release notes, to give more context and screenshots.

FWIW, I have no inside info or advanced knowledge of the release: this comes from my own assessment of things as I just applied the update this morning. As such, I could be wrong on some points, or may need to come back to clarify something. But in the meantime, I hope this overview may help folks, as sometimes the single bullets in the release notes can leave you wondering. :-)

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