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Chrome updated, adds auto-complete, management of "new tab", and much more

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I'm sure word will spread soon, but for those who've not heard,the Google Chrome browser has (finally) been updated, adding such desperately needed features as auto-complete, management of "new tab", and much more.

For more information, see this blog entry: this blog entry from someone on the Chrome team. It includes links to more details on each change, as well as a brief intro video.

I've been really missing the auto-complete feature, whereby if you fill out text fields on forms that you've entered before, it remembers. (This is not the form-filler of the google toolbar which you can use to fill in an entire page.) You just don't realize how much you use that simple auto-complete until you miss it. (And if you didn't miss it, well, you don't know what you're missing!) Of course, it can be disabled, but it's on by default in the new release.

The update is really fast. Again, see the other blog entry for more.

And I would suggest that if you have any comments like, "yeah, but they forgot xxx", etc., I'd say it would be more worthwhile for you to post those on the google team member's blog than to offer them here. Just sayin'. :-)

Solving CFMAIL failure, "530 5.7.3 Client was not authenticated"

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I recently had a problem trying to use CFMAIL from my local development laptop pointing to my hosted server (for carehart.org). The mail would never deliver (ending up instead in CF's mail/Undelivr folder). Fortunately, I knew to look in CF's mail.log, and it would show it was failing with "530 5.7.3 Client was not authenticate".

What was so curious was that my local mail client (Outlook) was configured with the exact same servername, username, password, and port, and ran fine from the same laptop on which CF was running. Both were trying to send email via the remote mail server. Why would CFMAIL fail when Outlook would work, both connecting from the same machine to the same SMTP server with the same connection parms?

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My CF Meetup talk this week: Sessions and Clients and Crashes, Oh My!"

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
This coming Thursday (Apr 16, at noon EDT) I will be presenting a new talk at the Online ColdFusion Meetup. The topic, as listed on the site and below, may on the surface seem something that doesn't affect you. Maybe you don't "use" sessions, and you probably would say you don't "use" client variables. Maybe your server doesn't crash, or at least not because of those things...or so you think.

Before you dismiss the idea outright, consider the description below, and if you have an hour to spare, come check it out. You may learn something very surprising. Some of the things I'll discuss are not often talked about, from my observation. Yet I help a lot of people who are hurt by them.

I'll add, also, that out of nearly 80 sessions I've hosted, I've only spoken a few times. The meetup is definitely not "the Charlie show". Thanks to all the many other speakers who have come out the past couple of years.

My Session Title: Sessions and Clients and Crashes, Oh My!

Description: You may be suffering and not even realize it. As a consultant, I focus on helping people troubleshoot CF problems, and one of the most common (and least appreciated) problems people suffer are those related to having too many active sessions in memory or a high rate of creation/update of client variables (whether in registry or database). EVEN IF YOU'D SAY YOU DON'T USE SESSIONS OR CLIENT VARIABLES, this may impact you.

In this session, veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will explain the problem. Using live demonstrations and offering code you can use yourself for free, he'll show how to identify both the extent of and the cause of the problems, and various solutions. The concepts provided will apply to any version of CF (or BD or Railo).

To RSVP (not required) or to learn more about the meeting, including the URL to attend, see the event page.

Update:The recording for this is available here.

TOMORROW: CFUnited Express in Atlanta, all day. Great content, giveaways, and more @ discount price

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you haven't heard, tomorrow (Wed, April 15) is the all-day CFUnited Express Atlanta event, a sort of mini-preview of the multi-day conference in DC in August. It's a great deal, really, not only for the great day full of CF and Flex/AIR content, but for other valuable benefits.

First, the speaker lineup starts with the ColdFusion Jedi himself, Ray Camden. Beyond that, several past Atlanta CFUG (and CFUnited) speakers will be presenting (on topics not presented at the ACFUG before): Doug Knudsen, John Mason, Andy Powell, and myself (Charlie Arehart). You can see their topic titles and descriptions here: http://express.cfunited.com/go/atlanta/2009/schedule

Second, there will also be giveaways including a free copy of Flex, ColdFusion, a free ticket to CFUnited, and more.

All this for just $149 (use code CFXEB2 to get this early bird price, even at the door). Pre-registration if preferred, of course, to help them plan for the included coffee/donuts, lunch/sodas, and snacks/beverages, but you can get in at the door at that price with that code. Register or get more info at http://express.cfunited.com/go/atlanta/2009.

Third, note that 100% of your Express event payment can be applied towards your attendance at CFUnited 2009. Between the content, the giveaways (at great odds in the smaller venue than the full conference), and the credit toward the full conference, it's really a great deal.

For still other reasons to attend, see the "top 10 reasons" at http://express.cfunited.com/. If you have any last minute questions not answered on the resources above, you can also call the organizer, Liz Frederick, at 410-963-9418.

Finally, for more about the venue, Roundbox Global (across the street from the Kind Plow Arts Center), including parking information, see this blog entry.

Hope to see you there.

PS If you know anyone in the New York City area, there will be an event there also, next week, April 20. More here.

Monitor CF using Nagios: a useful new way

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Nagios is an open source (Linux based) monitoring tool that many organizations use to monitor their IT infrastructure. Here are two resources to help you monitor it with CF, one of which is a new way that may give additional benefit to those already doing Nagios monitoring of CF.

Basic CF Monitoring in Nagios

First let me share that if you've not explored monitoring CF with Nagios at all, here's at least one blog entry from 2005 discussing that. (A more recent one, at http://profec.net/2009/01/12/monitoring-coldfusion-with-nagios/, which I used to list here, is no longer responding, nor could I find it on archive.org.)

Of course, you can easily use Nagios primarily to report whether CF's up or down, but you can also monitor basic statistics such as are provided via CFSTAT (also available on Windows via Perfmon, which also exposes generic stats about all processes), as demonstrated in that blog entry.

But you may have noticed that, if you run the Multiserver (multiple instances) version of CF, those CFSTAT and Windows Perfmon Stats aren't available on that version of CF.

So what to do if you wanted to monitor more about what's going on inside of CF?

FusionReactor Nagios Plug-in

If you're running FusionReactor Enterprise, you can now get that additional information via the free FusionReactor Nagios Plugin. It's a perl app that when implemented will expose certain key statistics in a way that Nagio can process them (and some are things that CFSTAT and the CF Permon stats don't report):

  • Count of current running requests, and total count of all requests run
  • Count of request queued by FusionReactor
  • Average request runtime (since server start), and Recent request runtime (in past 60s, by default)
  • Count of recent slow pages
  • Memory free in bytes and percentage
  • Memory Total and Max
  • Instance and System CPU Use percentage
  • Count of recently completed JDBC requests

Note that this is technically community-contributed feature (from an Intergral employee, David Stockton), not a supported feature.

If you're running or are interested in FusionReactor Enterprise, check it out.

CF Meetup announcements now available via twitter

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
For those who prefer/enjoy twitter, I'm now announcing the CF Meetup events via twitter, via @cfmeetup.

I do have my own twitter account (@carehart), but I decided to keep these announcements separate. For now, I haven't tweeted a peep in my personal account, but thanks to the ~80 people have chosen to follow me anyway. Hope to make it worth your while soon. :-)

My New Adobe Dev Ctr Article: Multi-user access for CF Admin and RDS

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I have a new 16-page article that was posted to the Adobe CF Developer Center yesterday:

Enabling multiple user access to the ColdFusion Administrator and RDS

If you're using CF 8 Enterprise or Developer edition, you should at least be aware of this feature. Even if it doesn't sound like something you'd need or want to use, check out at least the introductory section.

Besides explaining the features, and showing how to set them up and use them for practical solutions. It also addresses many gotchas and cautions to note, some of which may be surprises.

It shows using the multi-user admin feature for spreading out who can work on different parts of the admin (and shows enabling it even only for access to the CF 8 Server Monitor.)

And for the multi-user RDS feature, it shows leveraging it specifically within Eclipse and Dreamweaver (and points to resources for more on each and on using it with HomeSite+/CF Studio.)

I welcome comments or questions about the article here.

PS If you want to comment asking why one would use RDS due to security concerns, please read the article first. This addresses one significant concern and also points readers to additional resources to consider other concerns.

CF911: CF pages get "no web application configured", but CF's "running"

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you find you can't run CF pages (they get "There is no web application configured to service your request") but CF seems to be "running", here's one possible explanation and how to diagnose/resolve the problem.

The problem outlined here has to do with being careful when you're modifying CF to enable/disable RDS (or doing any edits in the [cf]/wwwroot/WEB-INF/web.xml file that controls it.) This applies to CF 6, 7, or 8.

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Getting to know...um...me. My CFConversations podcast interview was released last week

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Hey folks, if you hadn't noticed, I was the subject of the latest CFConversations podcast, released last week. You can hear it, or read more about it at:


I really enjoyed it and hope you will as well. We talked about some things that may surprise people, and more than he quips about in the intro. :-)

Still, it's not just a puff piece. We do talk about quite a few issues of significance to some, and as always I try to offer resources and info to help people in their day-to-day working with CF.

I welcome your thoughts or feedback here.

Indeed, as I noted on the comments at the blog entry above, it bears repeating for some that one quip I made was more relative to the time of the interview, which was around election time. It might be misconstrued now 3 months later. :-)

Setting Google to Show You More Results Per Page: how and why

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
In a recent entry, I made mention of the fact that I have Google set to show me 30 results per page, rather than the default of 10.

Some may read this and say, "big deal, I've been doing that for years", but it's one of those little things that some just never notice or think of. If you've not considered the option, why not check it out?

(Update on 9/30/2010: Others may have noticed that they DID have it set to more than 10, but recently they lost that functionality. I have the solution for that, as well.)

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