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Charlie Arehart's Ultimate List of 200+ New ColdFusion 10 Features

Note: This blog post is from 2012. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Wondering what all is new in CF10? Have I got a list for you! :-) (revision 1.9, 217 items1

I've not yet seen anyone try to create an ultimate list of *all* the new features in CF10, so here's my shot at it. (This is based on the public beta. I will update it soon with info from the final release.) Of course many (including Adobe) have created lists that show perhaps a couple dozen of what they think may be the most prominent features, or the most interesting for them, etc. I've just not yet seen anyone list even simply all the features mentioned in the beta new features guide. That's what I'm doing here.

But to be clear, I am not listing every new tag and function (that would be tedious.) Instead, I'm listing them as concepts, and where warranted, any relevant subtopics that expand on the new feature.

I've got more to say about the list (how I created it basically from the 244-page CF10 new feature docs, and what you can do to help expand it). But some will want me to cut to the chase, so here's the list. Please check out the additional discussion after it.

Charlie's Ultimate List of new CF10 Features, revision 1.9 (Sep 12 2012), listing 217 items1

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My catalog of 50 ColdFusion Zeus features discussed publicly so far

Note: This blog post is from 2011. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Would you be interested in a catalog of what features have been identified (new, changed, or removed) in ColdFusion Zeus? Would you be surprised to hear that there are about 50 that have been mentioned so far?

Check out what the presentation I offered today, "What's Next In CF Zeus?" (PDF of slides), which I presented at CFCamp in Munich.

(I had mentioned last week that I would be presenting this and another presentation, as well as a daylong class. BTW, the daylong class was popular, with 13 students. Great to meet all those who attended.)

I explain in the slides how I gathered the info, from 5 public Adobe Zeus sessions I've seen so far. None of those had yet cataloged ALL features that had been shown in the other sessions. There were certain things mentioned in all 4, but then also each showed things (or in more detail) that the other did not. I enjoyed pulling this all together in this talk.

As I also note in the slides, I was not permitted to show live demos (only Adobe employees can do that), but still the listing of features and brief discussions (including some code) should still be valuable. I also point to the URLs for the 4 currently available recorded public Adobe sessions, which do in fact offer more code and live demos.

I suspect I'll offer the talk soon on the CFMeetup. I may also present them in another form. But until then, enjoy the slides.

Do let me know if it's a useful list for you, or if I left anything out!

Speaking next week at CFCamp in Germany, 3 topics: Zeus, FusionAnalytics, FusionReactor 4

Note: This blog post is from 2011. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Just wanted to share, for any who may be interested to hear, that I will be speaking next week at a new conference called CFCamp, being held in Munich, Germany, on Friday Oct 28 (and now sold out).

At the event, I'll be giving 3 talks. Well, two are sessions in the one-track conference, and one is a day-long class the day before.

The two session topics will be:

  • What's Next In Zeus, aka CF10
  • Continuously improve CF code quality, server availability & application stability

The descriptions for each of those is on that page for the conference program". As you'll also note there, the other speakers are Mark Drew, Gert Franz, Gary Gilbert, Luis Majano, and Bilal Soylu.

The day-long class I'll be doing (separately purchased, and nearly sold out) is:

If you haven't heard, both Fusionreactor 4 and FusionAnalytics have been released in recent weeks. They're powerful tools that I help people use all the time in my independent CF troubleshooting consulting. If you haven't checked them out yet, do. And note the availability of both a live demo (nothing to download and install) and a free 10-day demo for each.

See you in Munich, or in the future

If you may be in the area and interested in attending, see that page (top right) for more on registering.

I'll note that I will likely give both the talks in other venues and formats (whether in-person or over the web) in the future. If you may be interested, let me know.

And if you'll be in Germany next week, I hope to see you there. (Sadly, my wife didn't get to come this time.)

Thanks to all the sponsors for helping make the event happen, for me and for all who will be attending.

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