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Delighted to be speaking at Into the Box 2025, in early May

I'm delighted to announce that I've been selected to speak at the upcoming Into the Box event (in DC in early May), where I'll be presenting "Hidden Gems in FusionReactor: for BoxLang, ACF, and Lucee Users".

This should not be confused of course with the "Hidden Gems in CF2025" talk which I also just announced that I'd be presenting at the upcoming CF Summit East (next week in DC) and CFCamp (in Munich in late May). It'll be a busy few weeks! :-)

As with them, it's always a thrill to attend this annual event. Following is the topic description and more.

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FusionReactor 10.0.2 update released Jul 19 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a 10.0.2 update was released recently, Jul 19, with a few bug fixes/improvements. (Sorry for the delay in reporting this. This was the week after there were multiple CF updates and a Java update as well.)

I want to draw special attention to the one "new improvement" and one "new feature". (In my posts on past FR updates, I sometimes don't do much more than list the simple bullet points offered in the FR release notes.) See the elaboration on these two things below.

For more on the update, as well as help on installing such FR updates, read on.

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My meta resource page about updating CF, the Java underlying it, the wsconfig, and more

With all the recent updates to CF (and the ongoing need to keep up and related things up-to-date), I wanted to share some news: I've long had on my site a meta resource page regarding keeping ColdFusion updated, where I offered both links and tips related to updating CF as well as the JVM underlying CF, the web server connector(wsconfig), the CF PMT, FusionReactor, CF Builder (old Eclipse and new VSCode versions) and even Lucee.

It's been on my site as my "CFUpdate" page (linked to from my old-school top-level nav bar), and I've kept the page updated. [Hey, updating my meta resource on updates. That's SO meta!]

But I suspect a lot of people may never find it for one reason or another, so I wanted to offer a link to it here.

Check it out, and I welcome comments or feedback here.

FusionReactor 10.0.1 update released Jun 22 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a 10.0.1 update was released last month, Jun 22, with a few bug fixes/improvements. (Sorry for the delay in reporting this. It's been a busy few weeks.)

For more on the update, as well as help on installing such FR updates, read on.

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FusionReactor 10 released, May 18 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a new version 10 (10.0.0) released yesterday, May 18. While it's a new major release number, most of the items listed as new aren't really things that you will "see" as changed in the interface. I don't quite want to call it just "plumbing"--the folks had their reason to regard the new and changed features as warranting the major version number increase.

For more, read on.

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FusionReactor 9.2.2 released Mar 1 2023, can track query cache count per app, fixes memory issues

TLDR; In case you missed it, FusionReactor 9.2.2 was released on March 1, 2023, and among its new features it can optionally now track CF query cache counts per app (as I'll show). It also fixes an important issue of CF 2021 or 2018 "suddenly using a lot of heap memory" which was caused by a change introduced in FR 9.2 as released in mid-Jan, and 9.2.2 also adds new JVM args and UI elements to control the features related to that (as I'll show). There are a couple of other bug fixes/changes as are tracked in the FR release notes.

For some, that news is all they need to hear. For others, read on for more details (including why the delay in my announcing this).

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FusionReactor 9.2.1 update released Jan 31 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a new 9.2.1 update was released last week, Jan 31, with a couple of bug fixes--including one where you may need to add a JVM arg to prevent an error, in a certain case as I will discuss.

For more, read on.

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What's new in FusionReactor 9.2.0, released Jan 18 2023

If you're a user of the wonderful FusionReactor monitoring and observability solution (for ColdFusion, Lucee, Java servers and more), you may delight in hearing news of a new FusionReactor (FR) version. 9.2.0 was released last week, Jan 18, 2023.

You can learn more (in brief) about what's new in the bullets for 9.2.0 offered at the release notes page.

TLDR: For some folks, news of the new version is all the need to hear. For those who may like to hear a bit more about the update, read on.

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Special offer: upgrade to ColdFusion 2021 from CF2016 or earlier, saving perhaps thousands of $$

If you're running CF2016 or earlier, now's your chance (though the end of the year Feb 28, 2023) to save potentially thousands of dollars in upgrading to the latest current version, CF2021. Intergral, the folks who make the FusionReactor monitoring tool and service, are again offering a special deal of 25% off to upgrade CF2016 or earlier to CF2021 (a deal which even Adobe does not offer).

Read on for more details.

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FusionReactor 9 has been released, with improvements for Cloud and on-prem users

Great news for FusionReactor users: FR9 has been released. Those using it may have noticed they are getting a notification in the FR UI about the update.

On this post I want to point out what's new (improved or fixed), and indicate what aspects apply to users only of the FR Cloud feature, and what aspects apply to users of the on-prem version as well. (I will also briefly explain the difference between those, for folks not aware.)

I'll also point to info on how to update FR (if you may not do it often), and finally discuss what resources do exist about FR 9.

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