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A table of Java versions supported by given ColdFusion versions

Now that CF2025 has come out, supporting Java 21--and as ColdFusion and Java versions continue to evolve--you may wonder which version(s) of Java you can use with your current (or a given) version of ColdFusion.

You can't just use "any" jvm version with CF: it depends on first on what version of CF you are using, and then may even depend on what CF update has been applied to that CF version. (You also can't use Java from any vendor: Adobe supports only use of Oracle Java, and they license it for our use, as I discuss later.) And to be clear, currently ONLY CF2025 supports Java 21. (And with Java 24 coming out in Mar 2025 as the latest LTS or "long-term support" Java releases, note that NO CF version currently supports that.)

So in this post, I offer a table that clarifies things, listing the various recent CF versions (even those no longer supported) and what (LTS) Java versions they supported, including if some CF update of a version changes the Java version supported.

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Last chance to save 25% off CF2023, for those on CF2018 and earlier

Here's great news for those still running CF2018 or earlier, who may have been holding off upgrading to CF2023 (because you would have to pay full price for it). It's news I first shared back in July, and the deal has been extended one last time, thus this post.

TLDR; Now through Feb 28, 2025 those running CF9, 10, 11, 2016 or 2018 can upgrade to CF2023 for 25% off its full price. (Those running CF2021 can already/always could upgrade at 50% off the full price.)

This is a deal offered only by Intergral, makers of FusionReactor, who are also resellers of CF. Adobe doesn't even offer this deal themselves. For more, see their blog post at https://fusion-reactor.com/blog/news/save-25-on-adobe-cf2023-upgrades/.

Act now, it could save you hundreds or even thousands of $$s on a single license! For more, read on.

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Limited-time discount on upgrade to CF2023 from CF2018 or earlier

Here's great news for those still running CF2018 or earlier, who may have been holding off upgrading to CF2023 because you would have to pay full price.

TLDR; Now through Sep 30, 2024 Feb 28, 2025 those running CF9, 10, 11, 2016 or 2018 can upgrade to CF2023 for 25% off its full price. (Those running CF2021 can already/always could upgrade at 50% off the full price.) See their form to request the discount at https://fusion-reactor.com/blog/news/save-25-on-adobe-cf2023-upgrades/.

For more, read on.

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Several things to consider when applying updates to Java (aka the JVM, JDK, JRE)

If you learn there's a new Java update available, it may well be relatively simple for you to apply that update, but if you're running important applications that rely on Java, it's in your interest to give some consideration to various matters related to doing such an update.

And as important, if you may have skipped some Java updates before this one, there are some additional points to consider regarding some potentially important changes in updates you may be skipping.

In this post, I cover several topics in both those areas.

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Presenting "Migrating apps to ColdFusion 2023 from earlier versions" Thurs Dec 14, Online CFMeetup

It's that time of the year...well, I don't mean the holidays: I mean time to talk about migrating to CF2023, which came out several months ago. I'm getting asked more and more about it, as people proceed with making or considering the move--and sorry for the brief notice, but I thought I better get this talk out before the end of the year, and before the holidays.

I will be presenting presented the talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Special offer: upgrade to ColdFusion 2021 from CF2016 or earlier, saving perhaps thousands of $$

If you're running CF2016 or earlier, now's your chance (though the end of the year Feb 28, 2023) to save potentially thousands of dollars in upgrading to the latest current version, CF2021. Intergral, the folks who make the FusionReactor monitoring tool and service, are again offering a special deal of 25% off to upgrade CF2016 or earlier to CF2021 (a deal which even Adobe does not offer).

Read on for more details.

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I'll be presenting at the online CFMeetup, on Adobe's 'new' CFSetup tool, useful for any CF version

This topic may (should) interest folks using CF2021 or even OLDER CF versions. Did you know there's a command line tool to help view/manage as well as export/import CF Admin settings? I will be presenting a talk on this, Thursday. Anyone can attend online.

Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup that I run will already have gotten notification about this, but those who are not:

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My upcoming talk, "ColdFusion at 25: not the kid most have stuck in their minds"

Note: This blog post is from 2021. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
As you may have heard by now, the free Adobe CF Developer Week 2021 will be held June 22-24. My session will be on June 22 at 4p Central in Track 2. While currently the DevWeek site only offers session titles and speakers (descriptions were added after I posted this: click the + sign to the right of each talk), here is mine, from the "presentations" page here on my site:

ColdFusion at 25: not the kid most have stuck in their minds

As ColdFusion turns 26 next month, many seem stuck remembering it only as the "teen" they knew or even the "child", when instead it's grown up to be a capable "adult", impressive in many ways, and even more so recently. In this session, we'll look back at how CF has indeed evolved into a very capable platform, with quite modern features that seem to surprise many--including people working with it currently. If you struggle "finding CF people" or "getting buy-in", perhaps these observations could help you with both challenges. If nothing else, they're things designed simply to help you get your job done, while keeping up with modern practices.

We'll start with many modern coding techniques--which will be familiar to those using more "modern" languages but that many don't realize CF supports, and may have for years. We'll then look at ways that things such as CF installation/deployment, configuration/administration, monitoring, security, and more have improved over the years. And we'll look not only at CF itself but the community surrounding it, ranging from resources for help and learning to tools and services that others have created, making CF a far more complete ecosystem than most give it credit. Put another way: it's not your father's CF!

I look forward to presenting this topic and hope you'll come check it out.

Announcing Java updates of Apr 2021 for 8 and 11: resources and thoughts

Note: This blog post is from 2021. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
For those using the Long-term Support (LTS) versions of Oracle Java, 8 and 11, please note `there were new updates released last week (Apr 20), specifically Java 11.0.11 and 8.0_291. For some, that's all they need to hear. They will take that ball and run with it.

For most, you should read on, especially about an important change regarding TLS support (and calling out to servers not yet running TLS 1.2 or above). I cover that and other important topics:

  • What's in the JVM update, do you need to update to it?
  • A key change in this Java update: calls out to TLS 1.1 or 1.0 no longer allowed, by default
  • Re-enabling support for calling out to old TLS versions
  • Groundhog day: you'll need do make this java.security file change on any later JVM updates
  • Should you update to the new JVM version?
  • The importance of testing such updates/changes
  • More questions you may surely have, and finding answers to them
  • Obtaining the updated Java installers

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Confirming ColdFusion's Java version, via admin, vars, or code

Note: This blog post is from 2021. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Have you ever wished you could confirm with 100% certainty what Java version is in use by the CF instance you are running? Or where the JVM's location is (in case you are told to modify files related to it)?

Some good news is that ColdFusion offers simple ways/variables that can show you each of these, via the admin or via CFML code. In this post, I discuss both approaches, including a simple single variable which works in CF2018 and above, a variation for those on CF2016 and earlier, as well as variations for Lucee.

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