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Delighted to be speaking again at Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2024

I'm delighted to announce that I've been selected to speak again (for the 12th straight year) at the upcoming Adobe CF Summit conference, to be held in Las Vegas Sep 30-Oct 1.

Actually, I've had two of my talks selected. The first will be a repeat of the one I offered at CFCamp in Germany last month (June), while the second is a brand new talk (and one I've been meaning to offer for a long time):

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Workaround for performance issue in CF's use of Redis for sessions

This is important news for those using CF's feature to store sessions (session variables for all sessions) in Redis.

Some folks, using it with CF2021 or 2023 found CF was somehow heavily impacting their Redis instance. The good news is that I've found an easy fix/workaround (until Adobe fixes it formally).

For more (including why you may or may NOT be impacted by the issue), read on.

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Bug I've reported: CF Admin update page mistakenly lists current version in "Available Versions"

If you use the CF Admin to perform CF updates (vs updating via the command line), has it ever confused or annoyed you that the CF admin update page lists the currently installed version as the first value in "available versions"? That's illogical and confusing.

And it seems easily solved: they should just list the installed version on its own line on the page, above the dropdown.

If you agree that this should be addressed, please do add a vote at the tracker ticket I just posted:


Sometimes Adobe only implements changes if many ask for it (though sadly, as in this case, some just grumble at an annoyance they may hit only rarely and they move on without ever reporting it. I didn't find anyone else having reported this there, before I created my ticket.)

If you need more info to understand the problem, I'll save you going to look at the ticket by repeating here what I wrote there:

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Recordings and links for my presentations in Jan 2024, Dec 2023

I've done a few online presentations in recent weeks, and while I've done a blog post announcing each when it was upcoming, I was torn about also doing a blog post after each, just to mention their recording URL. I don't want people to feel there are "too many" posts. Also, since I use youtube live for the CFMeetup sessions, technically the url for the meeting is indeed the same one to use to view the recording of it: so if you know one, you know both.

But some people seem to notice when news is shared of a recording being made available, so here you go.:-) These are 4 sessions I've done in Jan 2024 and Dec 2023.

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Presenting "The Many Capabilities of CF Package Management and cfpm", Thurs Jan 25, Online

Do you feel you understand all there is to know about the CF Package Management feature (and cfpm tool), added by Adobe in CF2021? It has far more capabilities than most may realize.

So I'll be presenting a talk on this topic, online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will have already gotten email notification about this, including the meeting URL, but for those who are not members here are the details:

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Presenting "Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion: considering it, doing it" Thurs Jan 18, Online

As most know, ColdFusion runs atop Java (and has since CF6). Did you know that JVM updates come out quarterly (including one just this week)? While some may find the process of doing them to be "old hat", others are often surprised to discover it's their responsibility to keep that Java updated. And on the surface, "installing Java" is easy--but like so many other things, "the devil is in the details".

So I will be presenting presented a talk on this topic, online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Several things to consider when applying updates to Java (aka the JVM, JDK, JRE)

If you learn there's a new Java update available, it may well be relatively simple for you to apply that update, but if you're running important applications that rely on Java, it's in your interest to give some consideration to various matters related to doing such an update.

And as important, if you may have skipped some Java updates before this one, there are some additional points to consider regarding some potentially important changes in updates you may be skipping.

In this post, I cover several topics in both those areas.

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Presenting "Installing CF2023: choices, challenges, and solutions" Thurs Dec 21, Online CFMeetup

Last week I did a talk on MIGRATING to CF2023 (as that's a challenge that many contemplate BEFORE proceeding to install it). This week I will follow-that up with a talk on INSTALLING it, and addressing various challenges in doing that. Some people don't do development and only deal with installing it. (Others don't ever want to install CF, and I address alternatives for them also.)

So I will be presenting presented this talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Security updates released for ColdFusion 2021 and 2023, Nov 14 2023

Just a heads-up for my readers that there was an important security update released today by Adobe for ColdFusion 2023 (update 6) and 2021 (update 12). (Users of previous versions should note that those are no longer updated, not even for security fixes).

If you apply the update using the CF Admin and then find that CF starts but the Admin and your code fail, I cover that also, in the second section below.

For more, read on.

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Solving failure in applying latest CF updates, or avoiding that failure

If you try to apply ColdFusion updates (including the latest released Oct 6) via the CF admin or command line and find that the update fails, the problem may be due to the JVM you're using (within CF or at the command line). There's a simple solution, which I discuss in this post.

TLDR; If you've configured either CF2021's java home to use Java 11.0.20 or later, or CF2023's java home to use 17.0.8 or later, you may find that applying CF updates ia the Admin will fail. You can apply the update via the command line, adding a needed new jvm arg:
(to be placed BEFORE the -jar arg) in the java -jar ... command, as I discuss more in the 5th bullet point below. (If I've lost you with that simple suggested, read the rest here. And all may benefit reading what precedes that suggestion, for context. I also offer other suggestions and info.)

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