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Recordings for nearly a dozen recent FusionReactor webinars I've done

Note: This blog post is from 2017. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I've been doing a series of one-hour webinars about FusionReactor over the past several months. They've covered nearly a dozen different topics (all with live demos), with more to come, including one just last week, "Making the Most of FusionReactor's Logs".

You can learn more about that and the previous ones and find their recordings at fusion-reactor.com/webinars. I also list all the webinars below, with links to each webinar's page with its recording.

(Note that sometimes the description offered on the main webinars page is a truncated variant, but click on the session link there or my links below which take you to the recording and the full description.)

Of course you'll find future webinars on the FR webinars page as their dates are posted, and you can register for them then (all free). By attending live of course you can ask questions as we go.

Some of the webinars are geared more toward folks who've been using FR (though maybe not to its maximum potential) though I try to make even them accessible to newcomers, while others are more well-suited to newcomers. (To be clear, I don't work for the company that makes the product, but I've been a huge fan for over 10 years.)

About FR, more than you may think

Before I dive into the webinars, and especially for those perhaps new to FusionReactor or not aware, note that it's much more than "a ColdFusion Monitor". It not only monitors also Lucee, Railo, and Bluedragon (other CFML engines) but it also monitors any Java server or application, including Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly, Jetty, Websphere, and more.

It's also "more than a monitor" in terms of being not just a UI someone would sit around and watch, or look at only when there is a problem. It also has useful alerting and logging features, all of which I've covered in various ways in the different webinars.

The FusionReactor Webinars

Here are the webinars, in the order in which they were presented. The FR site offers them in descending order of recency, so I just did this to convey more of how some (but not all) built upon each other. You can feel free to jump into any and I try to help keep your bearings. And note that one webinar was NOT presented by me, but I still want my readers to know about them all:

That's about 12 hours of FusionReactor goodness, which should help anyone at any level of experience become more capable not only with the tool but in using it to solve important problems with your application server. And thre are more to come. The next one is tentatively set to be "Troubleshooting JVM memory problems with FusionReactor" at the end of the month. Again, watch the FR webinars page for details when it's annouced.

They also tweet about the webinars (@Fusion_Reactor) and recently started posting them as well on their Google group. See the FR support page for more on that.

Your feedback on the webinars, past or future, is welcomed, whether here or to the FR sales email address. Again, I don't work for the company, but I do work WITH them and am clearly a fan of them and their tools. :-)

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