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CFUnited "call for speakers" open until mid-January

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Sometimes people say, "I never knew there was a call for speakers" for a conference, so the folks from CFUnited as asking that the word be spread that the call for speakers is open until mid-January.

Here are the tentative tracks for sessions:

  • AIR and UI Development - How to enhance the experience of your applications. Bring your application to the desktop or mobile.
  • Best Practices - Tips and Tools for improving and protecting your website.
  • ColdFusion (advanced) - Building applications, Charting, APIs, Custom Tags, PDF, Forms, Railo, Groovy, Facebook apps, Geolocation, Web-Oriented languages, and Integration.
  • ColdFusion (basics) - Getting started with ColdFusion
  • ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion Builder - Topics from Adobe related to the new release of ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion Builder
  • Configuration,Testing & Deployment - Deploy your websites with minimal issues and know what to expect
  • Databases - SQL, reporting, procedures, integration, server tuning
  • Flex (advanced) - An indepth look at building Flex applications
  • Flex (basics) - Getting started with Flex
  • Frameworks - Discover various Frameworks for ColdFusion and Flex
  • Managing Projects - Team Management, Project Requirements, Customer relations, Project management
  • OO Development - Object Oriented programming and using CFCs

They note as well that they're always open to new speakers.

Finally, the pointed out as well that the early bird deadline is Nov 30. More at CFUnited.com.

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