Delighted to be speaking at Into the Box 2025, in early May
This should not be confused of course with the "Hidden Gems in CF2025" talk which I also just announced that I'd be presenting at the upcoming CF Summit East (next week in DC) and CFCamp (in Munich in late May). It'll be a busy few weeks! :-)
As with them, it's always a thrill to attend this annual event. Following is the topic description and more.
Hidden Gems in FusionReactor: for BoxLang, ACF, and Lucee Users
Are you a long-time (or even a new) user of FusionReactor? Whether you're on the latest release (12) or an earlier one, there are lots of hidden gems in FusionReactor that can make it so much more useful for you, whether it's about some useful settings you should consider enabling, or some helpful information it can report. Some people go years of using it and miss some fundamental aspects of FR that give it unique strength.
In this talk, Charlie Arehart will move quickly through dozens of tips which can help developers or managers of apps, whether deployed on ACF, BoxLang, Lucee, or any Java platform. He'll identify where things might work differently for either of the engines, with a focus on the on-prem FR UI (covering hidden gems in FR Cloud would take its own talk.) Prepare to be amazed by things that should make your life easier but that you might've been missing!
I offer that info and all of my nearly 200 past CF presentations at, where I also offer the slide deck PDF (after the event) and any recording that's made available for each presentation.
As for other topics and speakers presenting at the event, you can find them at the ITB site, which also offers dates, location, registration, and more.
Looking forward to seeing folks at the event, and seeing the many other great presentations!
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