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Presenting "Hidden Gems in CF2025" at CF Summit East in March, CFCamp in May

I'm delighted to announce that I've been selected to present my "Hidden Gems in ColdFusion 2025" talk at both the upcoming Adobe ColdFusion Summit East event (in DC in March), as well as the CFCamp conference (in Germany in late May).

It's always a thrill returning to these annual events. Following is the topic description and more.

Hidden Gems in ColdFusion 2025

It's that time again: another new ColdFusion version, and another chance for Charlie Arehart to reprise his classic "hidden gems" approach to finding what's new that you might miss, like he's been doing since CF4.0.1. Some may be modest features that few would use, while others may be pretty big deals but which just don't get much press. There are always FAR more new things with each release than most people realize--usually several dozen (and CF2025 is no exception), and then more may come in updates to follow. Charlie will identify them, highlighting some, as well as discussing edition differences, pricing, migration issues, and pointing to resources for learning more.

I also offer that info as well all of my nearly 200 past CF presentations at carehart.org/presentations/, where I also offer the slide deck PDF (after the event) and any recording that's made available for each presentation.

As for other topics and speakers presenting at each event, you can find them on the respective agenda pages of the conference sites above, which also offer dates, location, registration, and more.

Looking forward to seeing folks at each event, and seeing the many other great presentations!

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