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ColdFusion 2025 released, Feb 25 2025: resources and my initial thoughts

ColdFusion 2025 has been released today, Feb 25 2025. In this post I am not only helping share news of the release, and pointing to available resources, but I also share some thoughts/observations on related matters that may be a bit challenging for most to find more about on their own (if they may only assess a couple of resources, or hear only tidbits shared in social media).

First, for more on the many features and changes, I share many Adobe resources--about which I also offer some additional comment. I also discuss changes regarding OS and DB support as well as the fact that CF2025 now runs on Java 21-- and that the traditional server deployment of CF comes installed atop Tomcat 10.1. I then share still more info on other matters and resources related to the new version.

I then focus on the major change in licensing, for CF2025 and forward, to being subscription only--which I'll note has no effect on those currently running CF2023 or earlier. I share pricing info and also help in assessing differences in the EULA, and more.

Finally I discuss some migration considerations--including important REMOVAL of some older features from CF2025, as CF continues to be made more secure and modernized. I also identify tools and resources to help aid you in that migration, when you're ready to begin attempting it.

For all that and more, read on.

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Announcing Java updates of Jan 21, 2025 for 8, 11, 17, 21, and 23: thoughts and resources

It's that time again: there are new JVM updates released today (Jan 21, 2025) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, 17, and 21, as well as the new short-term release 23. (The previous short-term release, Java 22, is no longer updated.)

TLDR: The new updates are 1.8.0_441 (aka 8u441), 11.0.26, 17.0.14, 21.0.6, and 23.0.2, respectively. Crazy that there are now 5 current Java releases, I realize. More below, including more on each of them including what changed as well as bug fixes and the security fixes each version contains (including their CVE scores regarding urgency of concerns), which are offered in Oracle resources I list below.

Oracle calls these updates "critical patch updates" (yep, "CPU"), but they are in fact scheduled quarterly updates, so that the "critical" aspect of this nomenclature may sometimes be a bit overstated. As is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes across the four JVM versions, though not always.

For some folks, that's all they need to hear. For others, read on.

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Last chance to save 25% off CF2023, for those on CF2018 and earlier

Here's great news for those still running CF2018 or earlier, who may have been holding off upgrading to CF2023 (because you would have to pay full price for it). It's news I first shared back in July, and the deal has been extended one last time, thus this post.

TLDR; Now through Feb 28, 2025 those running CF9, 10, 11, 2016 or 2018 can upgrade to CF2023 for 25% off its full price. (Those running CF2021 can already/always could upgrade at 50% off the full price.)

This is a deal offered only by Intergral, makers of FusionReactor, who are also resellers of CF. Adobe doesn't even offer this deal themselves. For more, see their blog post at https://fusion-reactor.com/blog/news/save-25-on-adobe-cf2023-upgrades/.

Act now, it could save you hundreds or even thousands of $$s on a single license! For more, read on.

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Beware that ColdFusion 2021 end-of-life (and end of updates) is coming Nov 2025, and your options

Are you still running ColdFusion 2021? While it's still supported/updated by Adobe, did you know that its end of life is coming just several months from now, Nov 10, 2025? That's the date when "core" support for that release ends--meaning no more updates from Adobe after that, not even security fixes.

What about more recent releases, if you may wonder? CF 2023 (the current latest release) will get updates into 2028 (5 years after it was release). And there's the coming CF 2025 release, currently in pre-release (as I have recently blogged about), which is of course a great sign for the continued vitality of CF.

But this looming deadline for CF2021 is a reminder that as the years roll on, we not only get new versions but we must say good-bye to old ones.

Wondering what you can do? or when CF2023 or CF2025 support will end also? And what's the difference between "core" support and the available "extended" support which Adobe sells? (The extended support plan does NOT provide updates beyond this coming November.) For more on these, including official Adobe documentation that discusses such things, as well as my thoughts on migration, costs, various options to consider, and more, do read on.

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ColdFusion 2025 Prerelease: resources shared so far

Adobe prerelease icon If you've not yet heard, Adobe has opened the prerelease program for the next CF version, aka ColdFusion 2025--though referred to by them for now as Project CFNext.

Adobe announced the opening of the beta a few weeks ago in a post on the CF Portal as well as in various social media. And you can request to join the prerelease program at Adobe prerelease site section for CFNext.

We're currently in the "beta 1" phase, but Adobe has announced that there is a "beta 2" due out early this month.

No news has been shared to indicate when the final version would be released. And while Adobe doesn't ever share info about pricing or editions before the release, but note that they did announce at CF Summit in Vegas (in Oct) that CF2025 would be sold only via subscription model (more below).

They've also shared (publicly) the details of what features will be deprecated or removed in CF2025 (and it's a list with some fairly significant changes). Again, for more see the resource list below.

Other resources about CF2025 shared by Adobe so far

About the change to a subscription licensing model for CF2025

Again, Adobe announced at CF Summit in Vegas (in Oct) that CF2025 would be sold via a subscription model. Sadly, I have not found anywhere online that clarifies that any further. (I welcome clarifications.)

But I can share that the Intergral folks (who make FusionReactor and are CF resellers) folks did have a blog post where they discussed this: Secure Your ColdFusion Perpetual License Before Adobe's Subscription-Only Switch. Granted, that's in the context of a discount deal they offered for those on CF2018 and earlier (something I blogged about in July), and that offer has expired.

Still, considering the blog post title and its content: it's the only public resource I could find online that discussed that the CF2025 licensing would be subscription-only. As they are CF resellers--indeed, able to offer that special deal as they did--it seems the most authoritative resource currently available.

I hope to share more news about CF2025 over time (based on information made public by Adobe before the final release). I may add more Adobe resources here, or I may create posts, depending on the information.

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