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Announcing ColdFusion updates released Dec 23 2024: p1 security update

An update for ColdFusion has been released today for both cf2023 (update 12) and cf2021 (update 18). In brief, it addresses a P1 (Priority 1, "Critical") security vulnerability, as indicated in the associated ASPB (security bulletin) for the update (CVSS Base Score of 7.4 out of 10).

In this post, I share the details about the update (from Adobe and from others, including pointing to some discussions I've already started online about the update). Note also that while you may read that the update is related to the CF PMT feature, beware presuming it therefore "doesn't apply to you" because you "don't use it". See the next section for more.

Of course, this is terrible timing for an update, but it is what it is. I can report I have installed both updates on multiple machines and operating systems without incident. And I may do a follow-up post on the update as I/we all learn more.

For more details, read on.

[....Continue Reading....]

Thanks for the heads up Charlie! Better today than tomorrow. I can also confirm that I have updated on more than 1 server and smooth so far.
Thx, Roberto.
What is the process to check for and remove the pmtagent in CF2018 since the cfpm tool is not available in this version?
# Posted By Bill | 1/10/25 3:27 PM
Agh, you're right, Bill. My bad. There is no package manager in cf2018 or earlier, so "removal" of the pmt capability within a cf instance that way is not an option. (It was late the night I was writing that post, after dealing with the update and its ramifications during that day it was released.)

Sadly, since cf2018 is no longer supported, Adobe has not documented how to deal with this issue for that version. I have an idea, though.

There should be a "servlet mapping" for a "/pms" url, and I bet if we just commented that out it should be an effective mitigation. It seems it's the calls made by bad guys to that url which allows them to leverage a vuln.

The file is web.xml, in the cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF folder (and in any instance folder that's a sibling to cfusion, for those running multiple instances). Save a copy before editing the file, and be careful to use html/xml comments (two dashes) rather than cfml comments (three dashes), to surround the lines related to that pms servlet mapping.

I'm writing from a phone. I hope to have time this weekend to dig in, but in the meantime (or if I lose track) I wanted to get this out there.

I would want to update the post to remove my mistaken suggestion, and the I'd replace with these steps in some more detail.

Let me know if that works for you, if you confirm before info.
I can confirm now I had it right (in my last comment): the solution is to comment out the /pms servlet-mapping XML element in the web.xml file I proposed. I have updated the blog post above, in the section on CF2018, with more detail. (I may eventually move it out to a new post.)

Thanks, again, Bill.
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