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Announcing Java updates of Apr 2024 for 8, 11, 17, 21, and 22: resources and thoughts

It's that time again: there are new JVM updates released today (Apr 16, 2024) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, 17, and 21, as well as the new short-term release 22.

TLDR: The new updates are 1.8.0_411 (aka 8u411), 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, and 22.0.1 respectively). Crazy that there are now 5 current Java releases, I realize. More below, including more on each of them including what changed and the security fixes they each contain (including their CVE scores regarding urgency of concerns), offered in Oracle resources I list below. Oracle calls these updates "critical patch updates" (yep, CPU), but they are in fact scheduled quarterly updates, so that "critical" nomenclature may sometimes be a bit overstated. And as is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes across the four JVM versions, though not always.

For some folks, that's all they need to hear. For others, read on.

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Recordings available for the recent 17-session Adobe ColdFusion Online Summit 2024

If you may have missed the news, Adobe recently held an online event over several weeks (Mid-Feb to Mid-March) where they had most of the presenters from the Adobe CF Summit 2023 in Vegas give repeats of their talks. (They call it the "Online Summit", though some may refer to it also as the "summit online"). Of course, it's a great way for those who can't attend the event to see the talks--and for the presenters it can be a great chance to tweak their talks since giving them a few months before.

And the recordings are all available online, and here's how to find them.

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Delighted to be presenting at CFCamp 2024, on "Using Redis for session storage in ACF and Lucee"

I'm delighted to share the news that I've been selected to be a presenter again at the wonderful CFCamp event, being held again June 13-14 in Munich, Germany. (I got the news last week but have been overwhelmed with recent work, so I've been behind posting such news. I have still more to come.)

As one of the premier conferences for both Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee, I highly recommend you attend the event if you can. Plus, if you don't live in Europe it's a great excuse to vacation on the continent and be tax-deductible at the same time! :-)

My talk this year (my 8th straight appearance at the event) will be a new one for me. Here are the details:

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Speaking online tonight at MMCFUG, on "What if no one is monitoring your DB server?"

Just wanted to share news for my readers here that tonight (Apr 9 at 7pm US Eastern time) I will be presenting at the online meeting of the Mid-Michigan CFUG, on the topic, "What if no one is monitoring your DB server?".

Anyone can join in live, and the meeting will also be recorded and posted eventually at their Youtube Channel.

Here's the description for my talk, which is also offered on my site's presentations page:

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