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Delighted to be speaking at CFCamp 2023

I'm delighted to announce that I've been selected to speak at CFCamp 2023, in Munich this June. This will be my 7th year in a row presenting at this wonderful event (not counting when it was skipped in 2020-22), and my 8th year total.

(While I said "thrilled" about my previous two conference announcements, saying "delighted" here is not a downgrade. Just a desire not to sound repetitive!)

My talk will be...

Title: Hidden gems in ColdFusion 2023

It's that time again: another new ColdFusion version, and another chance for Charlie Arehart to reprise his classic "hidden gems" approach to finding what all is new that you might miss, like he's been doing since CF4.0.1. While it's in preview as of this announcement (April 2023), Adobe has authorized him to offer this talk. No telling yet when it will be released. As for the topic to be covered, some may be modest features that few would use, while others may be pretty big deals but which just don't get much press.

There are always FAR more new things with each release than most people realize--usually dozens (and CF2023 should be no exception), and then more may come in updates to follow. Charlie will identify them, highlighting some, as well as discussing edition differences and pricing (if it's been released by the time of the talk), as well as migration issues, etc. And as always he will point to resources for learning more.

You can see this and other sessions on the CFCamp Sessions page, and find information about registration (including fees, dates of fee changes, what's included--recordings of both this and the last event!, and more) at the tickets page (which also has info on the venue and available accommodations). There will also be a few pre-conference sessions available. Check out the site for still more on the event.

Looking forward to seeing folks there and seeing the many other great presentations!

PS For the record, my attendance has been 2011, then 2014-2019, then it was skipped in 2020-2022 due to the pandemic. Some of my older CF friends over there may recall that I also spoke twice to the CF Europe event in 2002, so it's really my 10th CF conference in Munich! (I've also done a couple of user group meetings there as well over the years.)

And it's funny/sad that in all these years of going over there, I've never been much north of Munich. I've been south plenty throughout Bavaria (as well as over to Prague/Czech Republic, and down to Switzerland), but I still have so much of mid- and northern-Germany to see, someday I hope on one of these trips!

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