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FusionReactor 9.2.1 update released Jan 31 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a new 9.2.1 update was released last week, Jan 31, with a couple of bug fixes--including one where you may need to add a JVM arg to prevent an error, in a certain case as I will discuss.

For more, read on.

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New URL for signing up to the CFML Slack: cfml-slack.net

TLDR; the URL for joining the CFML Slack workspace and channels has changed. If you want to join the CFML Slack, use the form at cfml-slack.net. As some may have noticed, the old URL for joining (cfml-slack.herokuapp.com) no longer works.

Since it's mentioned in many places on the web, I wanted to help spread this news. This cfml-slack.net URL replaces that, while the URL for the CFML Slack channel itself is unchanged: cfml.slack.com.

For more explanation/context, and especially if you may be new to considering the CFML Slack, read on.

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