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Presenting "Installing CF2023: choices, challenges, and solutions" Thurs Dec 21, Online CFMeetup

Last week I did a talk on MIGRATING to CF2023 (as that's a challenge that many contemplate BEFORE proceeding to install it). This week I will follow-that up with a talk on INSTALLING it, and addressing various challenges in doing that. Some people don't do development and only deal with installing it. (Others don't ever want to install CF, and I address alternatives for them also.)

So I will be presenting presented this talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Presenting "Migrating apps to ColdFusion 2023 from earlier versions" Thurs Dec 14, Online CFMeetup

It's that time of the year...well, I don't mean the holidays: I mean time to talk about migrating to CF2023, which came out several months ago. I'm getting asked more and more about it, as people proceed with making or considering the move--and sorry for the brief notice, but I thought I better get this talk out before the end of the year, and before the holidays.

I will be presenting presented the talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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