Beware that latest Oracle JDK installers will REMOVE older JDK installs of that version
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Charlie Arehart said:
Uday, I assume you're speaking in your role as a member of the cf team. Thanks.
But can you clarify
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Uday Ogra said:
Christopher, that periodic check in call will be made by running CF server
ColdFusion 2025 released, Feb 25 2025: resources and my initial thoughts
Charlie Arehart said:
Christopher, I don't work for Adobe so can't answer that last question. :-) I'm just a messenger, po
ColdFusion 2025 released, Feb 25 2025: resources and my initial thoughts
Christopher said:
So if I'm understanding the new licensing correctly for those of us who previously would purchase a
Easily finding cached/old versions of a site/page when it's down or gone
Charlie Arehart said:
I'm sorry to hear of your plight. What you ask is well beyond the scope of this post, but I realize
But sure, people can have all kinds of expectations, so thanks for heading off that one.
In any case, at least with the heads-up, I hope more people can be prepared. :-)
Am I to understand that installing the latest Java 17 SDK will /remove/ installations of Java 8, Java 11, etc?
I work in digital archiving and cannot randomly lose access to older versions of Java! I am so so so so tired of this. So it goes.
I would love to hear in simple terms if this removes current installations. Please help.
I elaborated still further in the first paragraph, that "the new Oracle jdk installer WILL REMOVE any previous updates of that JVM version that were created by previous JDK installers of that same major version". Again, note "that version".
I even repeated it in the first tldr bullet point, and still later. :-) I really tried to avoid confusion on that point, so it's sad to find somehow it was not enough. But sincere intent can be lost in a sea of words. I hope if anyone else may have the question, this response to you should help.
To be clear, the recent change in JVM installers (discussed here) will NOT cause them to remove older installs of OTHER versions of the JVM, only other installs of THAT version (and even then only those that were implemented using the JVM installer for that version--not those implemented using the JVM's available "zip" install option.)
But let me know if you think I should offer some more specific phrase in the text. I ask that sincerely.
But second, even someone who read the technote for the update (as I did, when that update came out in July 2023) could be forgiven for not noticing news of this change. It's only mentioned in passing way down the note--and indicated in dealing with a possible error that could result, as if they felt folks already knew the change would be happening in that update ("the July 2023 CPU" as it refers to itself) at:
Without more info there, it's also unclear if that was a change only for the Windows installer or also Linux and MacOS. Anyone know yet?
I'll add that I searched that technote page for all references to "install" (there were over 30),but this was the only one suggesting this change in behavior. That sure seems odd.
So again, thanks. I'll tweak the post to mention this, and I'll point to these comments for more news that may come along.