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My meta resource page about updating CF, the Java underlying it, the wsconfig, and more

With all the recent updates to CF (and the ongoing need to keep up and related things up-to-date), I wanted to share some news: I've long had on my site a meta resource page regarding keeping ColdFusion updated, where I offered both links and tips related to updating CF as well as the JVM underlying CF, the web server connector(wsconfig), the CF PMT, FusionReactor, CF Builder (old Eclipse and new VSCode versions) and even Lucee.

It's been on my site as my "CFUpdate" page (linked to from my old-school top-level nav bar), and I've kept the page updated. [Hey, updating my meta resource on updates. That's SO meta!]

But I suspect a lot of people may never find it for one reason or another, so I wanted to offer a link to it here.

Check it out, and I welcome comments or feedback here.

Any chance you know of any better documentation from Adobe around their licensing of Oracle Java for Cold Fusion customers? Oracle is asking us to prove that Adobe has licensed it on our behalf and has rejected this link as "Just a blog post" and not a license, Adobe Support say they have no other documentation that they can provide me with, besides this link:

Sorry but nope. Just the blog post. I appreciate it's unsatisfactory. Please email [email protected] to get it straight from the horse's mouth. If you'd be so kind as to ask them to point you to any better statement, which you'd then share here, many would be grateful.
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