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Announcing Java updates of Apr 2022 for for Java 8, 11, 17, and 18: resources and thoughts

New JVM updates have been released today (Apr 19, 2022) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, and 17, as well as the new interim update 18. (Note that prior to Java 9, releases of Java were known technically as 1.x, to 8 is referred to in resources below as 1.8.)

The new updates are 1.8.0_331, (aka 8u331), 11.0.15, 17.0.3, and 18.0.1 respectively). And as is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes.

For more on them, including changes as well as the security and bug fixes they each contain, see the Oracle resources I list below, as well as some additional info I offer for if you may be skipping to this from a JVM update from before Apr 2021. I also offer info for Adobe ColdFusion users on where to find the updated Java versions, what JVM versions Adobe CF supports, and more.

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As an update on the above, Adobe did add today (to that downloads page) the very latest updates to those April Java installers, and 8u333, respectively. They also have finally sorted out the problem of the sort order of the java installers, as well as the presentation of their file names. (See the concerns I'd raised, above.)

Sometimes it's the little things. Thanks, guys.
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