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Adobe has started to open the prerelease Alpha for ColdFusion 2023 (codename Fortuna)

If you're active in social media you may have heard the news already, but for those who are not, Adobe has started to open the prerelease program for the next CF version, aka ColdFusion 2023--though known for now formally by its code name, Project Fortuna. You can find out more (and request to join) the prerelease program at its page on the Adobe prerelease site (where you will see as well as all kinds of prereleases for other Adobe products).

For now, only the Alpha has been announced, and the number of registrants allowed may be limited.

For more on that and about the prerelease (what can be gleaned/shared publicly), read on.

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So no spoilers then. What really captured people's interest in CF in the early days was being able to achieve something that took 2 to 3 times as much code as other languages to accomplish, like db queries, PDF generation, charts, etc. I'm empty of suggestions but there must be a hot list of modern sever-side features that can be baked into CF 2023. I'm not inferring anything that would cause CF to generate client-side code because we know how out of date that becomes after a several years.
I would still like to see server-side Photoshop filters applied to images, and now Adobe have AI filters they could give CF a major edge over other languages.
# Posted By Gary F | 11/20/22 4:29 PM
Goodness, no (no spoilers from me). But yes, I expect them to add things that will offer great time savings over doing things by hand. There are plenty of things in IT that are not yet "baked into" CF. Time will tell what makes it in.

There will be a preview this week, offered as a webinar by Adobe. I forgot to add that here originally, but I just have.

And that's just what they'll initially identify. As my hidden gems talks show, there will be FAR more that won't get such press but that may be even more valuable to some.
Was that webinar recorded? I signed up but was unable to attend....
# Posted By Jack Poe | 11/28/22 8:01 AM
Yes, it was. And I just found they've started posting them, at youtube, under the adobecoldfusion account. This cf builder session recording is here:
Sorry, you were asking about the cf2023 preview. That ("road to Fortuna") session recording is here :
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