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Video now posted of my DevWeek talk on "ColdFusion at 25", more modern than most think

Note: This blog post is from 2021. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you may have missed my talk at the Adobe CF Developer Week 2021 in June 22-24, the session recording is now posted online, via tv.adobe.com.

Adobe informed speakers after the session about how their session was rated by attendees. Mine got 4.5 out of 5 for "content quality of the session" and 4.4 out of 5 for "speaker's knowledge of the subject". I hope those folks will help me know where I could improve on those. I got no feedback, though I offer my email and social media handle on the title page and every slide. :-)

I offer a PDF of those slides (as well as a link to the recording and the session description) on my "presentations" page link for the talk.

One other thing: the formal title I'd chosen (months ago) was indeed, "ColdFusion at 25: not the kid most have stuck in their minds". But I realize now there's klunkiness to that subtitle ("not the kid most have stuck in their minds"). More important it didn't convey as readily the main point I was making.

So I've changed the subtitle on my site, to match what I say in the blog post title above ("more modern than most think"). And I'll use that if I present it again. Also I've changed it in the PDF offered on my site above, and FWIW I've tweaked the slides just a bit already since the talk, also now posted.

Again, if you saw/watch the talk or slides and may have any additional feedback for me, I welcome it here or privately, including open twitter DM's. (Sadly, the tv.adobe.com site offers no commenting feature.)

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