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Why should one be careful about securing ColdFusion ARchive (CAR) files?

Note: This blog post is from 2020. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
You may hear (starting today) about a new admonition (a "strong recommendation") from Adobe that one should be careful to "delete CAR files once they are used". What's that about? And why is it a concern? (And is it ever NOT a concern?) Indeed why is it a new admonition? (To be clear: the recommendation should be heeded even by those using CF versions BEFORE this update and older versions like 11, 10, and so on.)

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If it may interest any readers here, I have also posted an entry on the Adobe CF portal, which is more brief, offering the TLDR-level info, and pointing to this post for more:

I did it primarily to bring attention to the matter, but a secondary benefit of that smaller post is that some may prefer seeing (and sharing) a brief post rather than such a large one as this. :-)
Great information! I have been using CAR files for many years. Would it be prudent to also zip/rar them again with encryption and password protection before propagating them to the other server(s)? You would need to extract the CAR from this zip/rar on the destination in order to import it, then delete the CAR after importing.
I like the idea of limiting this feature from “sub-admin” accounts
Thanks, Bill. And yep, that would be a good idea, and an example of another way to secure the file (especially before passing it around from server to server).

In fact, I am realizing now that I left that to folks imaginations, but I should have been more specific. So I just created a new section, "Should I perhaps add my own own password/encryption to the file?", acknowledging your helpful comment here and noting your idea and a bit more. Again, thanks.
Thanks for explaining the situation, Charlie. Allow me to add a bit of info about earlier versions.

From my blog: "I can confirm that .car files created in CF11 do NOT contain those [ 'seed' and 'algorithm'] strings. But before you start celebrating, I must warn you that this probably means that the situation is even worse than for more recent versions. Because CF11 will write (encrypted) passwords into a .car file, and yes: those files can be used to reconfigure another server, passwords included ! Which probably means that all CF11 runtimes use the same seed and algorithm, rendering CF11.car files containing passwords even more insecure than later versions…"

All details on https://nukleos.word...
# Posted By Wouter | 7/16/20 4:15 AM
Yep, that's a good clarification, and yes, it's that before then, cf had a fixed seed. That's indicated in some of the other resources I alluded to, where people talk about taking advantage such vulns. I didn't want to elaborate, but yours is a fair one to point out. Thanks.
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