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Did you know that CF2018 imports environment vars into the Server scope?

Note: This blog post is from 2020. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
This is a hidden gem that I never saw documented anywhere: CF2018 now imports environment variables into the CF "server" scope, specifically:


and java system properties into:


(Thanks to Sean C for catching a mistake in the initial post.)

I learned of it last year when Pete F tweeted about it, and I assumed someone else would do a post about it, but the topic came up in a discussion today and I was surprised to not be able to find any mention of it, other than that and his mention of it in his cfdocs.org site.

And yes, Lucee had it first (as proposed initially in 2015). :-)

The feature can be useful, whether you're setting such vars when running a (Docker) container, or via JVM args, etc., and you want to be able to access them within CFML.

Solving metaspace errors, once and for all

Note: This blog post is from 2020. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I have a really simple solution to offer here, for a problem that has been nagging people running ColdFusion for the past few years. This post may also benefit those NOT running CF, especially if they have found confusing/conflicting information about the Java metaspace error and jvm argument that relates to it.

Perhaps you're getting errors referring to "metaspace" or "OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace", whether in your web sites, error logs, or even the CF Admin, and you wonder "what to do". Or you may be getting odd occurrences of blank pages, and if you look in your coldfusion-error.log you are finding such metaspace errors.

TLDR; In all these cases, the solution is simple (and may seem contrarian to some ears): REMOVE the maxmetaspace element from your JVM arguments. Indeed, I would go so far as to say everyone should simply remove it, even BEFORE you may get errors.

In the post that follows, I will explain how to remove it, including how you need to be VERY careful when doing that. You may also wonder why I recommend removing it, versus raising it. I cover that, as well as a bug report I filed with Adobe related this tis (which was fixed as of CF2021), below.

I also created an abbreviated version of this post, on the Adobe CF portal, if that may interest some readers.

[....Continue Reading....]

Join me and Mikey on a Youtube Live FusionReactor 8.3 webinar, Feb 11 at 2p US Eastern

Note: This blog post is from 2020. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Come learn what's new about FusionReactor 8.3 in the first of what are planned to be a series of Youtube Live webinars from the folks behind FusionReactor. In this first episode, FR Technical Support Engineer Michael (Mikey) Flewitt and I will be teaming up to introduce FusionReactor 8.3.0, which should be released very soon.

Join us on Feb 3 at 2p US EST (and set a reminder/subscribe) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0TKfnhIE24

Besides discussing and demonstrating what's new in the 8.3.0 release (which includes several features), we will of course be open to your questions. That's the whole point of going to the Youtube Live format!

What to expect in future episodes

And again, this is the first of what are planned to be a series, with future episodes addressing not only FR feature changes but reviewing FR features you might have missed, and as important: how to use FR to solve important problems in CF, Lucee, and Java servers. We're also open to addressing broader issues related to such technologies, in an "ask me anything" format.

So come along, and do subscribe, and bring your questions and comments. We're trying to make it a resource that will benefit many. Of course, it's our first, so we will iron out the kinks as we go!

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