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Did you know the Adobe Immerse '18 online conference (next week) will have 16 CF sessions?

Note: This blog post is from 2018. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
You may or may not know that Adobe is having an online conference next week, Immerse '18, from June 12-15. It was traditionally an AEM conference.

But did you know that this year they have added other Adobe enterprise products, including ColdFusion. There will be 16 CF sessions, all presented by members of the CF team. Some are about CF2018 but some are not.

I think most CF folks would find the low $75 $15 price to attend (Adobe just posted this discount code: He7B52)--which includes access to the recordings of all 90 sessions--to be well worthwhile. For the sessions, speakers, and more, see below.

A bit more about the event

Before I list the CF topics, I'll just note a couple of things about the event.

  • The products/services to be covered will be: Adobe Assets, Adobe Cloud Platform, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe I/O, Adobe Launch, Adobe Sensei, Adobe Target, ColdFusion, Creative Cloud, FrameMaker. (Yes, it's a bit odd that they list CF without prefacing it with "Adobe", but conspiracy theorists should note that the same is true of Creative Cloud(!) and FrameMaker. It is what it is.)
  • The tracks are organized as follows (and different CF talks appear in the different tracks):
    • 101s: For developers new to Adobe solutions, platform, features, language and tools.
    • Master Techniques: For expert developers to get best practices for architecture, development, latest features, languages and tools.
    • Operations: For engineers to learn best practices for integration, testing, deployment, governance and project management.
  • Live sessions will be presented at times spread across 3 time zones: Americas (Pacific Standard Time), Europe (British Summer Time), APAC (India Standard Time). So yep, some sessions will be VERY early to those of us in the US, while some are quite late to those in APAC time. :-)

So let me repeat: all the sessions will be recorded (and closed captioned), and those who buy a ticket (US$15) will have exclusive access for the next year, until the next conference, that is. Then the sessions will be made public--so the 2017 archive will be made public on June 10 2018. (And again, the 2017 and earlier events were all AEM, so no CF content there.)

Here are the CF topics and descriptions

See the web site for the exact times--where you can see the times in your local time zone, and you can add sessions to a scheduler mechanism to keep track/be notified.

First are those to be presented at various times June 12:

"All About ColdFusion Scheduling", Suchika Singh: Software Engineer, Adobe Systems Inc.

"ColdFusion Scheduled Tasks makes it easy to perform regular tasks in a granular, scalable and organized way. In this session, we will demonstrate how to schedule a task, group related tasks together, create tasks that are applicable to a specific application, attach listeners to tasks, chain tasks, run scheduler in cluster setups, use CRON syntax to schedule tasks, specify priorities, handle errors, and customize scheduled tasks using the quartz properties for standalone and cluster setup."

"Streamlining your API Strategy with Adobe API Manager", Elishia Dvorak: Technical Marketing Manager, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Delivering quality APIs efficiently and securely requires a well thought out solution to plan and manage all aspects of a business API ecosystem. By embracing new technologies to streamline the management of APIs organizations will be more productive and successful with their implementations. See an overview of Adobe's API Manager to realize the value gained from a central API strategy. Session takeaways: - An overview of API management and architecture - A walkthrough of Adobe API Manager and features."

"Life made easy through dynamic charting capabilities in ColdFusion", Poonam Jain: Lead software Engineer , Adobe Systems Inc.

"ColdFusion charts are more useful for presenting a given data set than others like formats. The Client/server side charting in ColdFusion allows you to create highly interactive charts. Session takeaways: How to display data in a chart or graph dynamically using ColdFusion. Controlling chart appearance using cfchart and cfchartseries tags. Produce elegant, dynamic, charts with static data , from queries, or from a combination of the two."

"Learn about the new language goodness in ColdFusion 2018", Immanuel Noel: Senior Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Learn how ColdFusion 2018's new asynchronous programming constructs allow you to offload resource or I/O intensive functionalities in your application to improve performance. ColdFusion 2018 includes NULL support which makes it convenient to work with other technologies, when accepting or sending data to client side from ColdFusion. New features include default functions on interfaces and covariant return types. Join this session to walk through CFML code running on the latest ColdFusion 2018."

Next are those to be presented June 13:

"The game changing release of ColdFusion All about the new ColdFusion 2018", Rakshith Naresh: Senior Product Manager, Adobe Systems Inc.

"This session will give you insight the new ColdFusion 2018 release from Adobe and the benefits of ColdFusion 2018 now and in the future. The key takeaways are: 1. Understand the top focus areas of ColdFusion 2018 that can significantly boost your productivity. 2. Get insights about performance, scalability, security, language goodness, and other features. 3. Get more out of the live demos of ColdFusion 2018."

"All new Command Line Interface in ColdFusion 2018 - features and capabilities", Mukesh Kumar: Software Engineer, Adobe Systems Inc.

"In this session learn best practices for using CLI and REPL feature of ColdFusion. Using this feature, users can run cfm scripts without starting the ColdFusion Server. We will also discuss REPL, which is an interactive programming environment that takes single user inputs, evaluates them, and returns the result to the user."

"PDFs made super simple with ColdFusion", Mayur Jain: Computer Scientist 2, Adobe Systems Inc.

"PDFs play a vital role in transferring documents & preserving the original format. ColdFusion makes it simple to work & manipulate PDFs. See how to create PDF from HTML, generate PDFs with dynamic charts & reports. Merge multiple PDFs. Use Stamps in ColdFusion, easily a PDF can be classified. Marking authenticity of PDF apply digital signatures to PDF using ColdFusion. Easily Redact sensitive information, sanitize the document and apply encryption so that only the user having proper credential can read the document."

"Beefing up your application and infrastructure security in ColdFusion 2018", Kailash Bihani: Software Engineer, Adobe Systems Inc.

"In the ever-changing threat landscape, it is essential to secure applications and systems on a continuous basis for uninterrupted functioning of business. In this session, we shall discuss how to Lockdown a ColdFusion server, which will cover some of the security best practices. We will also take a look at how an automated system in ColdFusion can perform all the lockdown steps, and how the same steps can be taken and applied to any enterprise level application server."

"Why ColdFusion is more relevant in today's world?", Suresh Jayaraman: Senior Engineering Manager , Adobe Systems Inc.

"ColdFusion Server and its tag based language CFML has been around for more than 22 years and continues to be a growing business for Adobe. It's incredible that the platform /language is able to reinvent itself to the ever-changing needs of enterprise. In this talk I shall walk you through specific scenarios, language constructs which gives insights into this."

"Multithread and asynchronous programming in ColdFusion 2018", Vijay Mohan: Computer Scientist 2, Adobe Systems Inc.

"This session provides an introduction to the new asynchronous programming features in Aether. You will learn how it is going to benefit your enterprise deployments. The session will include code demos which will expound on how complex, resource intensive tasks can be easily offloaded using ColdFusion asynchronous programming constructs."

Finally, these are to be presented June 13:

"Scaling strategies with the new features of ColdFusion 2018", Uday Ogra: Computer Scientist 2, Adobe Systems Inc.

"In this session Uday will demonstrate the new caching features of ColdFusion 2018 that provide the ability to scale your ColdFusion Applications. You will learn about new caching engines which have been added to the platform, ability to write your own custom cache plugin and easily integrate distributed caching in your application."

"Security and Access Control for APIs using Adobe API Management platform", Nikhil Dubey: Member of Technical Staff 2, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Security is a major concern for enterprises today. This session will be about security awareness among ColdFusion Developers. Area of focus will be the best practices that should be followed to protect ColdFusion Applications from security vulnerabilities."

"REST development made easy ColdFusion 2018", Mayur Jain: Computer Scientist 2, Adobe Systems Inc.

"An important step in increasing the value of your service is Building an API. In this Session you will learn the tricks of designing good REST APIs with very little developer effort using ColdFusion 2018. Key Takeaways 1) Deep dive into many of the features which will delight developer with its simplicity and pace of development. 2) Returning specific type of content i.e., JSON or XML to the client using content negotiation. 3) Try out APIs without writing single line of code with REST Play."

"10x your performance gain with brand new toolset in ColdFusion 2018", Amit Shukla: Computer Scientist, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Content delivery is critical in customer engagements. Don't let your ColdFusion server get in the way. Join this sessions to learn how the Performance Monitoring Toolset for ColdFusion 2018 will aid you in keeping your ColdFusion Servers operating at peak performance."

"ColdFusion as an enterprise hub in your IT systems", Rahul Upadhyay: Senior Product Consultant, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Hub is the central piece around which your wheel revolves. In Enterprise it can be CF which can be the central piece(Hub) through which most of your enterprise IT needs can be addressed. Be it rapid & secure application development, talking to various external services /different systems, exposing the functionality as API, managing the API etc."

"Learn the search capabilities in ColdFusion powered by Solr through building a recommendation engine", Venkata Pavan Kumar Sannisetty: Computer Scientist, Adobe Systems Inc.

"Learn how to build your own search and recommendation engine based on open source Solr using ColdFusion. Solr powers search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites and is highly reliable, scalable and fault tolerant. Adobe ColdFusion packages Solr to empower free text search to the web applications. You'll walk away from this presentation with the toolbox you need to implement your very own search ."


In conclusion I will say thanks, Adobe, for expanding the Immerse '18 conference beyond AEM, and ESPECIALLY for getting all these CF topics into the 18 conference.

To people who want to declare that "Adobe doesn't care about CF", take note of this: as if the annual Adobe CF Summit in Vegas--and the pending release of CF 2018, in prerelease as I write are not testament enough. Yep, I just had to get that in there!

And please, if you want to grumble here about some aspect of CF that annoys you--from its cost, to its licensing, to it STILL having some bug you've waited years to see fixed (despite hundreds of bug fixes to each of CF2016 and CF11 in their various recent updates), to your wanting to declare how "no one uses it" and how we who do still use it are idiots, and so on--please, I don't want to hear that below. Take your clanging cymbals and protest signs elsewhere. :-)

Interested readers can also see my most recent response to this tiresome discussion, here. Please offer any responses to that, there.)

And I'm sure some of these topics will be repeated (perhaps by the same speakers) at the CF Summit, to be held in October. I plan to be there (and am in talks to present a day-long pre-conference session on CF troubleshooting/monitoring. More news to come soon.)

Finally, I would love to get some of these presenters on the online ColdFusion Meetup, the online user group I have run for over a decade. It has been challenging getting some of the CF team (in India) to speak because of the timezone differences.

Heck, it's been hard the past couple of years for me to get ANYONE to present. That's a whole 'nother blog post. :-)

Suffice it to say that if you are reading this and have a talk you'd like to present (especially you who have presented at any other CF conferences in the past year or two), there is an audience of 2700+ members of the CF meetup group waiting to watch your talk. And we record them for still more folks to see. Reach out to me at charlie at carehart dot org to make it happen, and/or see more at speak.coldfusionmeetup.com for more about presenting on the meetup.

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I learned after posting this that Adobe had even offered a discount code to bring the price to just US$15! Awesome. Use this code: He7B52.

Thanks to Rahul Upadhyay for sharing it (https://m.facebook.c... and Mike Collins for pointing it out to me.

I have updated the post above, accordingly.
Charlie, thank you for posting this, and for always being such a positive voice in the CF community!
# Posted By Matt Hancock | 6/12/18 12:25 PM
Thank you for the encouragement, Matt. :-)
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