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Recordings from ColdFusion Developer Week 2017

Note: This blog post is from 2017. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you didn't hear, you can get free access to view the recordings of the Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week (devweek) which was held July 31-Aug 4 and offered several useful sessions.

And unlike previous Adobe cfdevweeks, which often involved non-Adobe presenters (including myself), this year's sessions were all from members of the Adobe CF team, on these topics:

  • The now and the next of Adobe ColdFusion (you'll have to suffer through a mistaken use of background music the whole hour)
  • API Economy: Realizing The Business Value of APIs Through Adobe API Management (no music in this or subsequent recordings)
  • Design of Rest API and Rest in ColdFusion
  • Upgrade to CF 2016
  • Finding security vulnerabilities in your codebase using security analyzer
  • Load Balancing, Scalability and Failover with ColdFusion Clustering
  • PDF enhancements in ColdFusion 2016
  • Language enhancements in CF 2016
  • Scale with ColdFusion 2016

About the very unfortunate background music in the first session, I have reached out to Rakshith today to ask if he may want to repeat it on the Online ColdFusion Meetup that I host, and we could offer that recording then as an alternative to the original.

Of course, the availability of the recordings is not new new info, as they were released last month and mentioned in that post I link to above. But I noticed in doing a google search today for "coldfusion devweek 2017 recordings", the first result was my 2012 post on the recordings of that year's devweek. Doh! So I wanted to offer this update in the hopes of replacing that in searches (fortunately, the Adobe post does appear next for me). I also just added "2012" to the title of that older post, as well as a link to this one, to perhaps also help avoid confusion.

And if you're interested in seeing the 2017 Adobe CF Roadmap (about what's new recently, what's coming in 2018 and 2020, as well as support timelines), Adobe happened to blog about that today as well. The sessions above (especially the first) elaborate much more on these than the 3-page PDF with a few bullet points each on CF2018 and CF2020. You'll see I pointed this out in the comments there, and I offered a link to the recordings. And it was in trying to find that which led to the motivation to create this post above. :-)

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