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Version numbers of libraries underlying ColdFusion 2016

Note: This blog post is from 2016. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Are you wondering what updates (in terms of version numbers) have been made to the libraries underlying CF2016?

For instance, what's the version of Solr? (It's considerably upgraded over what was in CF11 and 10). What about Java, Tomcat, Hibernate, ehCache, Quartz, jQuery, and so on?

In this post, I offer a rundown of what seem the most significant libraries and their versions, as deployed in the first release of ColdFusion (2016 Release). I also explain how I found these version numbers, which isn't always obvious, in case that may help others. But I also offer some commentary on why this is an important issue to some, and I offer some counterpoints to the demands some have that every library should always be the absolute latest version (and why that's just not practicable).

If you just want the version numbers without the "waffle", look for the bulleted list of them below. :-)

[....Continue Reading....]

Thanks Charlie. How about Apache POI for MS Excel and Word integration.
# Posted By Kevin | 2/17/16 2:09 PM
Thanks for the kind regards, Kevin, and I'v'e now added it, along with postgreSQL which I had missed.
Thanks Charlie. Really appreciate having a central list of new library versions.

Was happy to see they have finally made the jump to Solr 5 - though now to work out what out of the box features of Solr they have crimpled for Standard vs. Enterprise CF2016 :( Hopefully this time rather than removing standard Solr features from CF Standard they leave it alone and just add new features to CF Enterprise.
# Posted By Mark Picker | 2/17/16 4:51 PM
Great list Charlie. One of the librairies we use a LOT is cfchart (ZingCharts). Do you happen to know if that was upgraded as well?
Thanks Charlie, one of the best value adds in CF is zingcharts which looks like it's Build 2.1.5 in CF 2016 (current version is 2.3.0 so not too far off for a change)
# Posted By Doug Cain | 2/18/16 9:37 AM
Let me address the 3 recent comments here at once:

@Mark, I'm not seeing any mention of any changes in CF2016 to any aspect of Solr (whether new or changed features, at all, or any that may be limited to Enterprise-only). So the bottom line seems to be that yes, Solr is updated, and there may be some implicit benefits to that, or people can try to leverage the new features themselves (whether using Java calls or manipulating HTTP URLs, since the way CF works with Solr is to send various URLs to the embedded Jetty server which then passes them into Solr, returning the results, all done transparently when using tags like CFSEARCH, CFINDEX, and CFCOLLECTION.

@David, looks like @Doug answered your question, and thanks for that. I'm curious how you determined it, though. I have tried to find that, to no avail. The chart.jar has no version on its filename, of course, and the manifest within it doesn't indicate that version (it refers to 1.0, but I don't think that's accurate, either.) Can you let us know how you find it ot be 2.1.5? Did you perhaps make some call to something within the library using Java (perhaps within CFML)?
Hi Charlie,

Zingcharts is pure javascript and the main library is named cfchart-html.js in cf_scripts ->scripts->chart. You'll find the build number in there.

The jars which emulate the cfchart server side functionality are actually a zingchart build of rhino which allows the javascript to be rendered server side if required. We have been through a whole investigation in how this works and the rhino build has a set version of zing charts baked in which is a pain if you want to use the latest js build. We ended up using the js version and piped it through phantom js if we need server side rendering.

I believe zingcharts has a node solution for server side rendering to, but have never seen much information about it.

Useful to know that apparently the CF license allows you to use the latest js build which is very handy as they do add new features quite often and plenty of bug fixes. Bottom line is cfchart does't get you very far with the rich functionality zingcharts has so best in most cases to use it directly.

Probably more than your need to know but handy stuff.
# Posted By Doug Cain | 2/20/16 4:25 PM
Thanks Charlie!
I just checked and the latest version of Solr is 5.5.0, but ColdFusion 2016 is using 5.2.1. Do you know why they did use the most updated version?

Hi Charlie,
You always light up the dark side of ColdFusion server, this is really great work I do appreciate it. Do you know if CF2016 still using iText? if yes which version if NO what library? On other hand I did not see you mentioning on CFPrint library i believe it was called jpedal.
# Posted By Shirak | 5/22/16 12:17 AM
Hi Charlie, George Murphy here. You may want to mention that Hibernate Envers does not ship with Hibernate. Hibernate Envers creates an auditing table for all of your entities. This would have been sure nice to have included with Adobe 2016. One of my colleagues mentioned that one might be able to use maven to compile a full envers jar with dependencies and see if you could swap out the one that ships with ACF. Has anyone been able to use Envers with recent versions of Cf and if so what approach did you use.
Hi, George. I think that's probably better raised elsewhere. (I get that because it IS a library underlying CF, you thought this may be better than anywhere else.)

But there's just s no guarantee that anyone (from Adobe or anyone from the community) who cares about CF's hibernate support would see this suggestion you make and question you ask. (To be clear, I'm afraid I have no answer for that, and I don't use hibernate and rarely have been asked to support folks who do with challenges.)

Where would be better? I don't know. Perhaps the Adobe CF forums. I don't think there's one devoted to hibernate support.

Maybe the Facebook "coldfusion programmers" group, since it's become the most useful alternative I've seen.

Hope that's helpful. See you in Houston in a few weeks, Lord willing. :-)
I was recently contacted by Sencha regarding licencing of ExtJS 4.1. They said that we owe them a licence fee. Since the ExtJs 4.1 library is included in the Adobe 2016 software are we required to purchase their license? If no can you direct me to a document that may explain the license agreement with ExtJS 4.1 under Adobe Coldfusion 2016?
# Posted By Chad Fraser | 2/9/18 10:09 AM
Chad, I see that before asking here you had opened a thread in the Adobe CF forums:


I will go ahead and offer my full reply on this there. I started to reply here, but in searching for info to help (see my reply there) I came across your new forum thread.

That's a better place anyway, first because Adobe may respond there. (There's no reason to presume they'd see this discussion here.)

And second it's probably best for any subsequent discussion of this to happen there--rather than annoy the many commenters on this post, who would receive an email about each reply here and who may not care as much about this question. :-) For those that do, go check out the forum thread.
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