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Released today: CF2016, or 'ColdFusion (2016 release)'. What's new, and more

Note: This blog post is from 2016. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you're not following the Adobe CF team blog, you may have missed the announcement there today of the newest version of CF, ColdFusion 2016. More on the name in a moment.

And while that Adobe blog post mentions a few of the main new features, as is nearly always the case it leaves out many other new features which may interest folks. It also doesn't point to resources to learn more. I do those things here in this post.

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https://helpx.adobe....,%20editions,%20and%20upgrading reads, “I already have a license for an earlier version of ColdFusion. What are my upgrade options? Special upgrade pricing is available to those customers who have valid ColdFusion 10 or 11 licenses. Customers running ColdFusion 9 or earlier are not eligible for upgrade pricing. See the upgrade details page for more information.”

But that links to a page with no obvious upgrade pricing that I can see. Any ideas?
John, the front page of the ColdFusion product area (quick shortcut: coldfusion.com) does have upgrade pricing and more.

I don't know why the page they refer you to (http://www.adobe.com...) only shows full prices and not upgrades. Again, that's something to take to the Adobe blog post, really.

Did you find mine here helpful, otherwise?
> John, the front page of the ColdFusion product area (quick shortcut: coldfusion.com) does have upgrade pricing and more.

I'm not seeing it. Perhaps I'm blind...
John, when I go to that page (coldfusion.com), the first text on the screen (in a blue box) says, "Upgrade to ColdFusion Enterprise Edition for just US$4,249.00".

And I have noticed that if you click the "learn more" links offered there for either CF Standard or Enterprise, each offers the upgrade price in a blue box at the top of the page.

I do agree that the new design is not like the old one, where the editions and their prices were listed on the right.

Hope that's helpful. (BTW, I have nothing to do with any of these choices or matters, of course. I'm just a messenger.)
Great news about the CFIDE and scripts directory changes!

Have to admit, I don't see the attraction of the CLI. There was a period where several CF Bloggers were totally nuts over CF not having a CLI, but I never got it. Watched the Command Box demo, and that was super cool, but solved problems that I personally never seem to have had. Would be very interested to see what uses folks have for it, as I seem to completely be missing something important here.
# Posted By Mark Gregory | 2/16/16 1:24 PM
Mark, that would not be the first feature CF added where some of us were left scratching our heads, while others raved. (And I'm with you on that one, but I know that for many others it really is indeed a big deal for them.)

And of course, it goes both ways. Some scream and holler about things that seem horrible to them, where some of us go, "meh". Different strokes. :-)

Nice summary as usual. Looking forward to the gems..Any update on the SOLR integration. In CF11 it's like two versions behind.

# Posted By Mike | 2/17/16 7:50 AM
Mike, if I'm reading things right, it's 5.2.1, which is indeed a good bit more updated than the 3.4 that was included in CF11 and 10.

I plan to do a post where I list the version of embedded software like that, as of CF 2016.
And yep, I just confirmed it using the Solr admin embedded in Cf, which for my deployment at least was at http://localhost:898...
On the 18th, most of the documentation PDF's at (helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/home.html) were updated with new 2016 versions. Solves most of the documentation gaps identified in your 2/16 post.
# Posted By Tom K | 2/19/16 1:01 PM
I gave a presentation awhile ago to our local CF group for CommandBox.


I would be interested to know how Adobe handled this in ColdFusion. The benefit of CommandBox is you also have the 'box' eco-system under the hood.

The allure of CLI is writing automation. If you aren't automating things (setup, deployment, testing, etc.) then maybe you don't need it. And if you are automating things (you should be) - it's very nice to be able to do it using a familiar language - ColdFusion vs having to use something else - bash, Python, etc.
Jim, I love the preso you did for your UG. Excellent overview.

In response to The ACF CLI vs CommandBox, they're not really in competition per se. Basically CommandBox, which runs on Lucee right now, is useful for:
- CommandLine .cfm file execution
- interactive shell with tab completion, history, and ASCII art :)
- Embedded server
- Package manager with local artifacts cache
- Scripting syntax that combines native OS binaries with CFML functions and a command architecture
- Modularly extensible with config settings and built-in event listeners

By comparison, the ACF 2016 CLI is useful for:
- CommandLine .cfm file execution

Don't take that as an indictment of Adobe though, I'm not sure they should be re-inventing those wheels. Rakshith talked with Ortus back during the Alpha and we agreed to work on a version of CommandBox that would also run on top of the Adobe CLI (since it's mostly written in CFML modules anyway). I've done some internal work on this, but it didn't make it out in time for the ACF 2016 release (which caught me a bit by surprise). Hopefully we'll be able to bring about the ACF-powered version of CommandBox in future release that's not too far away.
Is SQL Server 2016 supported?
# Posted By Buddy Langston | 6/12/16 7:47 PM
Buddy, no, SQL Server 2016 is not listed as formally supported by CF 2016 (at least for now, in June 2016).

That said, SS2016 was only released 12 days ago. It's not typical of Adobe to have "immediate support" for such things (though of course we can all argue that with pre-release versions of such things, it's reasonable to hope that they would).

But consider 3 things:

1) Just because it's not "formally supported" doesn't mean it will not work. I suspect it would, especially for anyone not taking advantage of any unique features that would somehow relate to what's returned to CF. Lots of new features in any DBMS may have no direct bearing on what goes back and forth between CF and the DB.

2) You need not rely on asking me, to know if CF supports something like that. :-) This is documented. See the details of what OS's, DB's, web servers, and other systems are supported at Support matrix (supported OS's, web servers, databases, etc.) https://helpx.adobe....

3) It is certainly likely that they will have support for it in an upcoming update. The prerelease for Update 2 makes no mention of it (http://blogs.coldfus...), but it could be perhaps added before the final release (though I doubt it).

I suspect it would be in some future release. It took several months after Windows 10 for CF to list support it. Again, before anyone complains, see my observation at the opening of my comment agreeing with you. :-)
Your link to get the PDF version of the 2016 docs actually takes you to a page only containing HTML versions of the documentation. Doesn't look like PDF versions are available anywhere
# Posted By Simon Horwith | 6/29/17 1:00 PM
Simon, thanks for wanting to point out a seeming mistake, but let me say first that the link did indeed take one to PDFs when I wrote this in Feb of 2016. You can even see someone commenting above about the same link regarding PDFs later that week.

But it does seem that Adobe took them away from there.

And second I will say this: the PDFs for CF2016 were actually horrid. They would generally have just the first section of any chapter and then offered a link (in the PDF) to the rest of the docs online. It was practically useless, in the sense of having a single PDF that presented a given manual in ints entirety.

I know they are working on that (because I have pressed on this very issue), and though I didn't expect this, perhaps they removed it out of embarrassment once they realized how bad it was.

I will leave the link as is for now, in case someday they put them back there. And if someone else sees it and wants to point out the issue, hopefully they'll see your comment and my reply.
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