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An interesting solution to problems with ColdFusion 10 and IIS 404 handlers

Note: This blog post is from 2014. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
There was an interesting solution proposed today on the Adobe forums, to address a problem some folks are having with CF10, where they find problems using an IIS 404 error handlers set to pass to a CF page. I found it helped with one of my consulting clients, so I wanted to share the news with others readers here who may benefit.

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As readers of the forum thread will see, the poster who shared the approach above is Ben Holland. He also chimed in with some more comments of some further tweaks he's made to his IIS configuration for addressing this issue. Thanks, Ben! :-)

I've also heard privately from some more folks who have confirmed that it helped them. Great to hear. Hope some might choose to reply here, so others can see how it's helping, and especially if they may have any further suggestions about improving the configuration approach.
I can not believe Adobe still have not fixed this bug :( I am now on update 13 and connector is rebuilt and re-installed and bug is still happening heavily.. So fed up :(
# Posted By Alex | 8/1/14 11:06 PM
I have found a temp workaround to the 404 issue as well. Mine is at the coldfusion code level but it seems to work. If you capture your 404 content as a variable and then force the content length using a cfheader tag before you output the content, your page should render as expected. This worked for me after a month of pulling my hair out.
# Posted By Erin Duvall | 12/11/14 11:46 AM
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