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Find ColdFusion installers, updates, hotfixes, and docs for all recent releases at CFMLRepo.com

Note: This blog post is from 2014. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
This won't be new info for some, but many folks remain confused by the fact, that after Adobe release their current latest ColdFusion version, they no longer offer the previous versions(s) on their public-facing Adobe site. (Those who license CF are given access to a licensing site with a personal account there, where they can download the installers for versions they bought even years after they are no longer supported.)

What if you either don't have such an account or only use CF for Development or trial purposes? How do you find older previous installers?

Find CF installers, updates, and docs for past several releases

The good news is that if one wants to find ANY installers for most ANY version of CF, they can be found on an external repository setup years ago by Gavin Pickin (and still maintained by him and others, including myself, at:


The site even has installers all the way back to CF1.5, as well as updates, docs, CFBuilder installers, and more.

The name, CFMLRepo, may confuse some if they presume it's a repo of CFML. It's not. IT's that it has both CF and Lucee installers, thus the more "generic" name.

(And there used to be a longer and hard-to-remember URL for the site, when I had posted this originally in 2014, and I had created a shortened url, http://bit.ly/cfdownloads. It's now definitely not "shorter", but I leave this here for posterity.)

Thanks so much to Gavin for creating the repo, and to him and others for maintaining it. Let's hope it remains a viable solution to find downloads for years to come.

Is http://bit.ly/cfdown... still being updated... It looks that lateast hotfixes for CF9.01 are missing
# Posted By Daniel Schmid | 10/30/14 11:47 AM
Charlie why don't you guys use Tim Cunningham's excellent CFShorty available at cfml.us ?
Hi @Rick, very long time no talk.

I was tempted to address that, but I let it go. Since you have asked, I'll answer: it's no slight to the service, but I had what I think are good reasons.

First, I didn't use it for the same reason I regret now having used tinyurl.com. Like cfml.us, sure they're easy to use. But unlike bit.ly, they also don't let you edit the URL if you ever need to. I realize many times it's not important, but the whole point of the story above was that I was burned by not being able to edit it.

Second, and perhaps most important, unlike either of those, the cfml.us shortener doesn't let you create a more memorable name. For instance, I just went ahead and created one using it: http://cfml.us/bQM. Would people remember that more easily than http://www.gpickin.c...? I doubt it. Would they remember it as easily as bit.ly/cfdownload? I really doubt that. :-)

So I was very intentional in choosing this time to use bit.ly.
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