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Still more reasons to make sure you have updated your ColdFusion 10 web server connector

Note: This blog post is from 2013. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Several weeks ago, I did an entry, CF911: Why/when you MUST update the web server connector for #ColdFusion 10, and may have missed it.

In this entry, I want to throw in another reason why it's important to make sure you properly update (reconfigure/rebuild/upgrade) your web server connector after applying certain CF10 updates, or if applying only the latest update for the first time to a newly installed CF10 instance.

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We have a server in which the wsconfig tool is not functioning properly. I know there is a method to configure the connection manually here: http://helpx.adobe.c...

Would this be the same process after running the updaters to do this manually?
Thank you.
# Posted By Jim | 5/9/14 10:37 AM
This was very helpful. It looks like the PATH_INFO being blank issue is also effecting CF 11? Have you seen or heard this? I have CF11 and have verified that the tomcat connector has been updated, by my PATH_INFO is still blank.
# Posted By Alex D | 2/4/15 2:46 PM
@Alex, i am running CF11, and the path_info works (if you pass in /something after a cfm file). Are you confirming you're doing that? (See my blog entry for more on how path_info may seem not to work if you expected it to have the equivalent of cgi.script_name in it.)

If you are passing in something in the path info, and still are not seeing it, you say you have updated your connector. Are you positive that the site you're using is using that updated connector? I've helped people find out that they had more than one, and one was not updated, but they thought it was "not in use", but it was (and that was why something still seemed "broken".)

If that's not it, what update of CF are you on? I'm the publicly available prerelease of update 4. See http://blogs.coldfus..., but I don't think that update had anything to do with cgi.path_info.
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