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Don't forget to vote, for cf.Objective() 2014 topics, including 2 ColdFusion talks from me

Note: This blog post is from 2013. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
By now you may have heard that the call for speakers for the cf.Objective() 2014 conference closed a couple of weeks ago and now it's time to vote among the posted topics using the conference Trello board.

I wanted to point out to my readers that I have proposed two talks. The first one I gave at the Adobe CF summit last month and was very well-received. You can see the description and VOTE button on each of the following pages:

CF911: Solving Frequent CF Server Problems in New/Better Ways (click to visit, then vote)

The second is one that I gave to the Atlanta CFUG earlier this year.

Updating/Hotfixing ColdFusion 10, 9 and 8: Tips and Traps (click to visit, then vote)

Both are full of surprising and helpful tips, based on my experience helping hundreds of shops with related issues in my CF server troubleshooting services. But the talks are not "sales pitches".

They're goal is to be just like my blog entries here, and my past talks: I just want to help people find, understand, and resolve problems with their CF servers. It's wonderful to be able to help people come away more confident and capable in managing their servers, whether from the consulting sessions, the talks, the blog entries, the cf911.com wiki of cf server troubleshooting resources, the cf411.com site of tools and resources of interest to CFers, and so on.

Anyway, if these talks sound interesting, please go add your votes using the link for each above, and click the vote option that then appears. And of course, vote for all the other talks you think ought to be invited. The board uses your votes, so every vote counts.

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