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Understanding the 9.0.2 release of ColdFusion, a FAQ for those who missed the news last year

Note: This blog post is from 2013. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
So perhaps you're currently running CF 9.0 or CF 9.0.1, and you may have noticed that there is a CF 9.0.2. Have you wondered what it's about? And have you noticed that it's not something you can just update to from 9.0 or 9.0.1? It's a complete installer, meaning you need to uninstall CF 9.0 or 9.0.1 before you can move up to it.

Should you? What do you gain? what do you lose? what are some gotchas? That's what this blog entry is about, answering the following questions:

  • First, what is ColdFusion 9.0.2? Why did Adobe create it?
  • What about the 9.0.1 updater? Can we still get that? Yes.
  • So what all does 9.0.2 add and remove?
  • If I download CF 9 today, what do I get?
  • "But if I download 9.0.2 today, I get the latest version of it available, right? I don't need to add hotfixes, do I?" Wrong.
  • Warning: DO NOT install 9.0.1 atop 9.0.2 (nothing will stop you)
  • If I am on 9.0 or 9.0.1, how can I get to 9.0.2?
  • Why might I want to get to 9.0.2 from 9.0 or 9.0.1?
  • How did i miss this? Was 9.0.2 discussed? Yes it was.

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thanks charlie you are a super*
# Posted By jon | 8/19/13 4:33 PM
Charlie, there's NO language goodie added in CF902.

# Posted By Henry Ho | 8/19/13 9:26 PM
Thanks, Henry. I had never looked into things beyond seeing Ray's entry back at the time. Good to see that it was just a mistake in the docs, now corrected. (Meaning, "good to see that there was not some CF10 stuff brought back in 9.0.2, which could have led to confusion in not also being in 9.0 or 9.0.1.")

I'll strike the references above, but will leave them and these comments to help educate any others who had heard that news but not the update/corrections.
If any readers of this 2013 blog entry may be looking for the CF9 installers referred to above, they are no longer easily accessible on the Adobe site, but you can find them on a separate downloads repository created by Gavin Pickin. See http://bit.ly/cfdown...
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