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How to identify what jvm.config a ColdFusion instance uses (and vice-versa)

Note: This blog post is from 2012. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you run ColdFusion in its Multiserver mode (multiple instances), you may know that you can configure things so that different instances use different jvm.config files, otherwise by default, all instances share just one. (If you didn't know how to change that, particularly if running CF as Windows Services, I'll offer some references explaining more.)

But have you ever wondered which jvm.config is used by a given instance? Or perhaps found multiple jvm.configs in your [jrun4]\bin directory and wondered which instance each went with? The answer isn't as straightforward as it may seem, when you're running CF as Windows Services. There's no single CF feature that reports this, but I do offer a solution here.

The simple answer is that one can find the information in the registry. The longer answer, including how to find that, as well as how to get that info more easily from the command line if you may prefer, follows.

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Thanks for the article. I manage a server with 10+ instances, each with their own JVM, and what I've done is name the JVM file based on the instance name. For example, jvm.config_Acme (where Acme is the instance name). This makes it pretty straightforward to track down which instance is using a given JVM file.

I'm happy to hear the JVM files in CF 10 are in their own instance bin directory, though.

# Posted By Jose Gosende | 6/27/12 11:11 AM
Great point, Jose. Doing something like that would certainly help prevent the problem.That said, I was focused more on those with the problem and how to get to the point of even being able to solve it that way. :-) Still, thanks for the kind regards.
I have one web site with different applications in different directories. I don't really want to move them to their own web site so I can run them in their own instance. Is it possible to setup another instance and have the cf pages in a certain directory use the new instance on the same web server?
# Posted By Chris | 8/17/12 8:16 AM
Thanks for all your hard work in the CF community.

Another way to determine which JVM file a Multiserver CF 9 instance is using on Windows2008 R2 is:

1) Open Task Manager
2) Go to 'Processes'
3) In the Menu: 'View' > 'Select Columns ...'
4) Select the 'Command Line' (checkbox)
5) 'OK'
6) Expand the 'Command Line' column
7) If you do not see '-config [custom_jvm_config]' then you're using the default, jvm.config.
# Posted By Glen Rainbird | 9/6/13 12:16 AM
@Glen, great point, and I want to smack my head that I didn't think to mention that, because I do indeed point people to that all the time when trying to show them which process is running a particular instance. I just didn't think to connect the dots when writing this entry to propose looking there at the jvm.config (if a custom one is defined). So thanks! :-)
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