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How to tell what, if any, hotfixes have been applied to ColdFusion (9 and earlier)

Note: This blog post is from 2012. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I often see people struggling with confusion over what hotfixes have been applied to CF. They may wonder "which have we applied?", or worse, they may not have applied any and just don't know "how to know" whether they have. I have good news, but it may not be the answer most would suspect.

The common answer offered is that one should use the "system info" page in the CF Admin, and its available "update level" field.

But I will assert that's not the "right answer" after all, or certainly not the "best answer" to really know what hotfixes (plural) have been applied. Know why? If not, I'll explain here, and I'll show what I would say is the "right" answer to "what hotfixes have you applied?"

[....Continue Reading....]

Good info, Charlie. Hope all is well. Mike G :-)
There's also http://hackmycf.com/... which (with the optional on-server add on) will give you a scheduled report of exactly what is installed...
We appreciate you such extraordinary blog information
# Posted By Email Marketing Services | 8/22/12 8:57 AM
Thanks for that.
Thank you this was very helpfull.
# Posted By Alina G | 3/27/15 3:50 PM
Alina, thanks so much.
In case folks find this blog entry (from 2012) later, it's probably a good idea to point out that if you may wonder, "so where can I even find the hotfixes and security updates for CF9?", the best place is Gavin Pickin's "CF Repo". I discuss it further, and offer the link to it, here:

And yet another comment I should add, to update this post from 2012, is that if you ARE on CF 9.0 or 9.0.1, and have NOT previously applied any updates, and you DO choose to update it to the latest update/patch/cumulative hotfix level, do beware that you will be getting some security updates from 2011 and 2012 that you did not have, and which COULD cause some compatibility isues. (CF 9.0.2 DOES already include those specific security hotfixes.)

I have a blog post I did in 2013 that addresses that more:

long time fan of your site.
we lost our unix guy a while ago and now I have to figure out how to do these updates on cf9 linux multiserver setup where I barely know how to do a 'dir' (ls) command :)
what if there is no 'updates' folder created? (at [JRun]\servers\[instancename]\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\updates. )
[the reason is the java applet in admin console doesn't work in firefox, and in IE updated to latest java just hangs so it never allows for the directory structure to populate in order to browse for the jar file]

which leaves me to do a manual install. then
how do I manually install the jar file?
I do see version 9,0,0,251028 and update level    /apps/jrun4/servers/cfusion/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib/updates/chf9000003.jar but i manually copied it somewhere but i doubt it is actually installed...

I'm going to try to follow your other post cf9_and_earlier_hotfix_guide.

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