Speaking May 21-25 in 5-day European ColdFusion Road Tour, Scotch on the Road
Note: This blog post is from 2012. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.

Along with a few other speakers, we'll present sessions in Munich (May 21), Zurich (May 22), Paris (May 23), Brussels (May 24), and Amsterdam (May 25). See the tour dates page for details on the locations and agenda for each city.
Pretty sweet! :-) I always love going to Europe, and this will be my first time in Paris and Brussels. I'm certainly grateful to have been invited. I'll leave cf.objective on Saturday afternoon to fly right to Munich. Sadly, my wife couldn't join me (for reasons that I'll explain in a moment.)
Some may know the Scotch on the Rocks event has traditionally taken place in Edinburgh (where I had the pleasure to speak previously). And the "Scotch on the road" moniker has been used before when it's happened in another city or cities.
Hitting the road in a tour bus!
This year, the event is different in that I and the other speakers (and the organizer, Claude Englebert of Adobe, EMEA) will be traveling in a tour bus: meaning a motor home essentially, much like the other "road tours" that have happened for other Adobe products in the past.
This is not an official "CF10 Road Tour", but with the release of CF10 yesterday it makes it a de facto one. :-)
Anyway, it's because we'll be about 6 guys in a bus for 5 days that my wife's not coming along! :-) Still, I'm looking forward to the cities (if but briefly), the dinners (at least we'll get some "taste" of each city), and of course the people at the events. As for the guys on the bus, well...hopefully we'll all come out of it as friends, for better or worse! :-)
Tripping back in time, to 2003, and "Hidden Gems in CFMX"
It's also kind of a neat anniversary: 9 years ago I also presented in Munich, at the first CFEurope event in 2003. And yes, that links still is about that 2003 event. A fun time-warp. In fact, it took place in the same OlympiaPark area where we will have the first session next week at the Adobe offices in Munich.
And guess what was my topic then? "ColdFusionMX Hidden Gems"! Of course, that's "CF6" for those not around then, but yes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. ;-) (Hey, one of my first articles in the old CFDJ magazine was "Hidden Gems in 4.0.1" in 2000. Yes, I love sharing hidden gems in CF!)
Some concluding points
Just two final points of information: first, for those coming, note that on a couple of the days I'll be presenting a talk about FusionReactor and FusionAnalytics, in place of one of my other talks. See the schedule for details.
Finally, some will note that the tour dates page above lists London. That's a month later, in late June. For now, I'm not aware of any details on that (including whether I'll even be invited).
If you'll be there, see you then! If not, Claude intends to be posting content as the week progresses (perhaps videos, pix, tweets, etc.) Keep an eye on on the main site to see what may turn up. And here's hoping for safe travels, to, from, and on the road!
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