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Recording of my Adobe eseminar session, "Monitoring ColdFusion with FusionReactor"

Note: This blog post is from 2012. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
After my barrage Friday of four entries on the CF Server Monitor, here's something instead on FusionReactor. Some may know that last week I did a talk on the Adobe ColdFusion eseminar series, "Monitoring ColdFusion with FusionReactor". I got word today that the recording link has been posted.

You can find the recording here. Note that you need to login with an Adobe ID, just like when you download Adobe software or participate in their forums. (I have no control over that.)

Since that link just goes right to the recording, here is the description I'd used for the session, to help decide if the recording may interest you. BTW, I clarify on the session that FR is useful for more than just ColdFusion, in that FusionReactor can be used for Railo, BlueDragon, and OpenBlueDragon, as well as in fact any Java server (Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, Glassfish, Websphere, etc.), and the session applies just as well to folks using those.

My session: Monitoring ColdFusion with FusionReactor

Session Description:

[....Continue Reading....]

A standout amongst the most cumbersome things I recall about the old FusionReactor was setting up database monitoring. You needed to copy over a JAR, change the data source, etc, if I remember right. Presently it just works.
# Posted By uk | 11/14/18 1:51 AM
UK, yep. Things are indeed much easier the past few years. Pretty much plug and play. If any challenges, I can help folks with both installing, configuring, using, and solving problems using FR.
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