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Two unusual upcoming speaking engagements for me (CFUnited Keynote, Brazilian CF Conference)

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Some readers may have seen some recent tweets about this from others: I have had the pleasure recently of being invited to present at a couple of unusual speaking engagements.

I'm giving a CFUnited keynote (no joke!)

First up, while it won't be that unusual that I'm presenting at this year's CFUnited (I've presented at ever event since it's founding), what is unusual is that I've been asked to give the second (Thursday) keynote!

What an honor, and of course a challenge, as Joe Reinhart set a high bar last year! :-)

While the organizers and I have discussed the topic, they've not yet announced it (though they have announced me as one of the keynote speakers, in addition to Adam Lehman and Terry Ryan from Adobe.)

I was awaiting their announcing the topic before I'd post this, but since I also want to announce the other "unusual" speaking engagement, I figured I'd go ahead and share this now and will post an update on the keynote topic later.

BR Conference 2010, in Rio

The second "unusual" speaking engagement for me is that I've been invited (along with Ben Forta, Ray Camden, Adam Lehman, Terry Ryan, and others) to come down to speak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the BR Conference 2010, a CF and RIA conference being held Aug 19-21.

I've never been to Rio before (let alone Brazil), and I've long looked forward to visiting anywhere in South America, so this is a real thrill. Of course, being in the southern hemisphere, August will be the "deep into winter" with temps down to the 60's/70's Farenheit. :-) Better bring a jacket! Fortunately, it is in fact the driest month of the year, on average.

I'm of course delighted to have that chance, and as they're planning to cover travel costs for speakers I'm all the more honored and grateful, being selected out of so many fine available speakers in the CF community.

Maybe it didn't hurt that I have contributed to at least one book that's translated into Portuguese. It *was* about using CF to build mobile web apps, after all, albeit 10 years ago! I'm just kidding that there's any connection, of course. :-) The organizer, Francisco Paulino (aka, Tofinha) said he drove his decisions based on popularity of speakers down there.

Fortunately, they will have translators at the event for attendees to understand us yankee presenters.

So that now leaves me only Asia, Africa, and Antartica as continents that I will not yet have visited. If only we could get some CF conferences going in those places! :-)

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I'm so proud of this! 1) CFUnited made a fantastic choice. I agree 100% that it is about time you did a Keynote!! 2) I'll be at Brazil as well and I think that the community deserves an event like this! I'm glad you'll be there! And i hope others will join us from the states. As for Asia, Africa, and Antartica... i've got nothing yet.
# Posted By Liz Frederick | 5/10/10 2:22 PM
Thanks for the kind regards, Liz. Looking forward to seeing you at both events. :-)
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