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More reasons to buy ColdFusion Builder

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I wanted to add some more thoughts to Adam Tuttle's helpful recent entry, Why (I Think) You Should Buy ColdFusion Builder. I started to offer them as comments but it got lengthy, so I decided to create this entry instead.

A little background on the question

Adam's entry was his response to an observation I'd made on a private mailing list that I'd not seen any good single resource to point people to when they raised concerns about having to pay for CFBuilder. We who have "seen the light" wonder why people even debate it (as he addresses with observations from others in his entry).

While his entry expands on the oft-shared Adobe graphic comparing features among it and the existing CFML editors, there are some more features that may not have been t important enough to be listed on that graphic, but are sometimes a source of concern/contention for some as they consider CFB. Here are a few of them.

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Some code to throttle rapid requests to your CF server from one IP address

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Some time ago I implemented some code on my own site to throttle when any single IP address (bot, spider, hacker, user) made too many requests at once. I've mentioned it occasionally and people have often asked me to share it, which I've happily done by email. Today with another request I decided to post it and of course seek any feedback.

It's a first cut. While there are couple of concerns that will come to mind for some readers, and I try to address those at the end, it does work for me and has helped improve my server's stability and reliability, and it's been used by many others.

Update in 2020: I have changed the 503 status code below to 429, as that has become the norm for such throttles. I had acknowledged it as an option originally. I just want to change it now, in case someone just grabs the code and doesn't read it all or the comments. Speaking of comments, do see the discussion below with thoughts from others, especially from James Moberg who created his own variant addressing some concerns, as offered on github, and the conversation that followed about that, including yet another later variant.

Update in 2021: Rather than use my code, perhaps you would rather have this throttling done by your web server or another proxy. It is now a feature offered in IIS, Apache, and others. I discuss those in a new section below.

Background: do you need to care about throttling? Perhaps more than you realize

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Free tools for SAN monitoring, VM Monitoring and more...and their educational site

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Folks know that I like to share news of tools (see my CF411 site), but I want to point out here a couple of free ones in particular that may address problems people are having in new/modern configurations: one is a tool for monitoring a SAN, and the other is for monitoring VMs.

It also gives me a chance to offer some props for the site of the company behind the tools, SolarWinds, which again many may find valuable in educating not only about the tools but the topics that the tools help with.

The free SAN and VM monitoring tools

The two tools (and one more for bonus) are:
  • SolarWinds Free SAN Monitor - keep a close eye on the performance & capacity of your storage arrays and become a storage superhero!
    Note also:
  • VM Monitor - continuously monitor a VMware® ESX Server and its virtual machines with at-a-glance virtualization health statistic
    Note also:
  • WMI Monitor - monitor your Windows® apps and servers in real time, using built-in, community-sourced, and customizable application templates!
    Note also:

I haven't yet used them myself, so this isn't so much a recommendation of the tools but rather a recommendation that you consider them if you are interested in what they have to offer.

The company offers still more free tools, as well commercial ones of course.

A company that gets how to educate you about their products

You may have noticed above that I offered as well links to videos about each product. SolarWinds has really done a great job offering educational resources, especially videos, and organizing them into categories such as tech talks, webcasts, and more.

Indeed, if you may be new to network management (which can be a broad and/or deep subject, appealing variously to generalist IT geeks and hard-core network admins), they offer lots of compelling introductory resources, including their geek guides and even certification training . Of course they also have a helpful blog and twitter feed.

Just as I previously praised the Mura folks as a "company who got it right" in terms of setting up a compelling, informative web site for IT folks, I really have to say the same for the SolarWinds folks. Congrats, and thanks.

Two unusual upcoming speaking engagements for me (CFUnited Keynote, Brazilian CF Conference)

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Some readers may have seen some recent tweets about this from others: I have had the pleasure recently of being invited to present at a couple of unusual speaking engagements.

I'm giving a CFUnited keynote (no joke!)

First up, while it won't be that unusual that I'm presenting at this year's CFUnited (I've presented at ever event since it's founding), what is unusual is that I've been asked to give the second (Thursday) keynote!

What an honor, and of course a challenge, as Joe Reinhart set a high bar last year! :-)

While the organizers and I have discussed the topic, they've not yet announced it (though they have announced me as one of the keynote speakers, in addition to Adam Lehman and Terry Ryan from Adobe.)

I was awaiting their announcing the topic before I'd post this, but since I also want to announce the other "unusual" speaking engagement, I figured I'd go ahead and share this now and will post an update on the keynote topic later.

BR Conference 2010, in Rio

The second "unusual" speaking engagement for me is that I've been invited (along with Ben Forta, Ray Camden, Adam Lehman, Terry Ryan, and others) to come down to speak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the BR Conference 2010, a CF and RIA conference being held Aug 19-21.

I've never been to Rio before (let alone Brazil), and I've long looked forward to visiting anywhere in South America, so this is a real thrill. Of course, being in the southern hemisphere, August will be the "deep into winter" with temps down to the 60's/70's Farenheit. :-) Better bring a jacket! Fortunately, it is in fact the driest month of the year, on average.

I'm of course delighted to have that chance, and as they're planning to cover travel costs for speakers I'm all the more honored and grateful, being selected out of so many fine available speakers in the CF community.

Maybe it didn't hurt that I have contributed to at least one book that's translated into Portuguese. It *was* about using CF to build mobile web apps, after all, albeit 10 years ago! I'm just kidding that there's any connection, of course. :-) The organizer, Francisco Paulino (aka, Tofinha) said he drove his decisions based on popularity of speakers down there.

Fortunately, they will have translators at the event for attendees to understand us yankee presenters.

So that now leaves me only Asia, Africa, and Antartica as continents that I will not yet have visited. If only we could get some CF conferences going in those places! :-)

New DataDirect JDBC Type 5 drivers (for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and more)

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I think most folks know that the underlying database drivers in CF are from DataDirect. Well, they've announced new "Type 5" drivers. While you would have to buy and install them separately from those built-into CF (for now, as Adobe has not yet certified CF for use with them), I think some people may want to give them serious consideration even before then.

Several Performance Advantages, and Failover As Well

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Some recent podcast participation

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I've had the pleasure of participating in a few recent podcasts and related activities. While regular listeners to those will naturally hear them, I figured I should highlight the episodes for those who may not be.


First, some may know that I'm a regular panelist on a podcast called the RIApodcast. Well, there was a special roundtable session at the recent cf.Objective() conference, and I was privileged to be asked to join in that, along with Ray Camden as well as RIAPodcast regulars John Mason (host) and Josh Adams (of Adobe).

(The RIAPodcast is recorded twice monthly, after the Atlanta Flex and then the Atlanta CF user groups. John then often splits each into two, so it's an approximately weekly podcast.)


Then, too, John and I joined Brian Meloche for his CFConversations podcast presentation of another cf.Objective() roundtable session.

While there's naturally a fair bit of overlap between the two (given there are different audiences for each), we still tried to cover slightly different things in each.

Mura Show

Finally, though it's not really a "podcast", on a perhaps related note I was also guest recently for several episodes on The Mura Show, which is a recurring (Recorded) online meeting. In these sessions, my site (CArehart.org) was a guinea pig/test case as the Mura guys graciously led viewers through a complete re-do of my site to run atop Mura. You can see the shows at their show archive.

We may still have another episode or two in the future to wrap things up, but certainly if you're interested in Mura it's a great start-to-finish presentation of getting a site running under and benefiting in many ways from Mura.

I may have still some more news of interesting participation in other such podcast-style activities to share in the future.

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