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I'm participating in Ray Camden's "Uber Panel of ColdFusion Awesomeness" tomorrow (Wednesday)

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you've not heard about it, Ray Camden is organizing what he's calling the "Uber Panel of ColdFusion Awesomeness". :-) And I'm delighted to have been asked to join the esteemed panel.

It will be held tomorrow (or today, depending on when/where you read this), Wednesday Dec 8 at 12pm US ET (GMT-5). It's an online session, held at:


And yes, it will be recorded (by Ray--keep an eye on his blog for more info, if you can't attend.)

To find out more, such as who else is on it, check out Ray's entry with more detail:


BTW, for those looking for the subsequent parts to my previously started series on solving memory-related errors, my apologies. I got sidetracked with travel. Will explain when I do part 2, which I hope to get posted very soon.

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