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Adobe CF ACPs listed

Note: This blog post is from 2010. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Wonder who all the Adobe CF ACPs are? Here you go.

Besides notifying them individually today by email, Adobe today has posted the list of new and renewed Adobe Community Professionals (ACPs, formerly "Experts", aka ACEs). They appear on the blog of Adobean Liz Frederick.

I don't know if I'd ever seen a listing like that, and while her entry has all the ACPs across all products, I wanted to take a moment to point out the names of the CF ACPs.

Their list mixed in new and renewed folks in the one list, identifying which were new. As long as I'm repeating the list separately, I wanted to list it first recognizing those who were renewed (to thank them for there ongoing contributions), then listing those who are new (to welcome them to the fold!)

Renewed Adobe Community Professionals for CF

Charles Arehart
Geoffrey Bowers
Rob Brooks-Bilson
Raymond Camden
Simon Free
Cyril Hanquez
Paul Hastings
Brian Kotek
Mark Mandel
Kevin McCabe
Brian Meloche
Nathan Mische
Ben Nadel
Francisco Paulino
Brian Rinaldi
Joe Rinehart
Steve Rittler
Jared Rypka-Hauer
Kevin Schmidt
Todd Sharp
Daniel Short
Jochem van Dieten
Andrea Veggiani
Dave Watts
Aaron West
Dan Wilson

New Adobe Community Professionals for CF

Andy Allan
Cutter Blades
Mike Brunt
Michael Chandler
Pedro Claudio
Jeff Coughlin
Joshua Cyr
Tom de Manincor
Jason Dean
Steven Erat
Marc Esher
Sam Farmer
Dave Ferguson
Matt Gifford
Charlie Griefer
Mike Henke
Russ Johnson
Kai Koenig
Adam Presley
Nikklas Richardson
Bill Shelton
Ryan Stille
Scott Stroz
Adam Tuttle
Sana Ullah
Dan Vega

Congrats to all.

Update: Well damn. Literally just after I posted this I saw a tweet where Liz indicated that her list mistakenly left a few names off. I've updated the list above, but in case anyone comes here after seeing the RSS feed or email notification of this entry when I first posted, the updates are:

Jeff Coughlin (new)
Marc Esher (new)
Sam Farmer (new)
Mike Henke (new)
Nikklas Richardson (new)
Bill Shelton (new)
Sana Ullah (new)
Dave Watts

And indeed, if there are any other notices of changes mentioned anywhere, please do let me know.

Finding out more about the ACPs

And if any of their names are unfamiliar, realize that they may make their contributions in ways and places (or perhaps countries and regions) in which you may not participate.

I will note that at least the old list of "Community Experts" was offered here with links to their Adobe Groups profiles. Perhaps in time a newly named page (with links and bios for the new folks) will be made available.

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Wish I'm on that list one day... :)
# Posted By Henry Ho | 1/19/10 2:33 AM
Maybe someday there will be women on the list . . .
# Posted By Lola LB | 1/19/10 5:22 AM
Henry and Lola, it may be worth noting that the list does come from submissions by the individuals selected, so to steal the lottery line, "you can't win if you don't play".

That said, I have no insight into the selection process (it's entirely Adobe's) but I am pretty sure that there are at least two women on the selection committee, so I don't think we'd want to assume there's an inherent bias. More just about the classic dilemma of there being more men than women in this field.

Even so, again, those women who are active in the community and meeting the accomplishments and expectations for ACPs as outlined in various places, including Adam's blog entry in December at http://www.adrocknap..., should certainly apply. As you can see, there were many new people on the list (and many removed though not named), so there is always room for change.
I think it's more like women need to know that they have the opportunity to go through the process and to try it out. I'm not at the level that I would consider myself experienced enough to go through this, but there will be others who need to be aware about this opportunity.
# Posted By Lola LB | 1/19/10 12:28 PM
Sure, but as is the case so often, the challenge is in how they can be made to know of it? :-)

Really, there are plenty of CF developers (who are even active in the community) who may not know a) that the program even exists, b) that people can nominate themselves, and then c) how to do it. Then of course they have to be selected.

So it is a bit of a small "club", but not from any intentional shunning of any segments, I don't think, but rather just a small pool of possible selectees. Still, maybe what's needed is something like the NFL's "Rooney rule" to require evaluation of minority candidates. I don't know if you're quite suggesting that's needed here.

But I will say it was encouraging to see Adam (and others) blog about the program and the submission process, so it seems even more open than in the past. That's a good step.
Congrats man and all the friends renovated!!

Welcome Pedro Claudio from Brazil and all new ACPs! =D
Congrats Charlie and all ACPs

Thanks, I can only thank the trust deposited ...
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