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Special CFMeetup Mon Jul 13, noon: "Centaur and Bolt Uncensored", with Terry Ryan of Adobe

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Folks, this is a special announcement. I'm delighted to announce a very special CF Meetup for Monday July 13, at noon UD EDT.

"Centaur and Bolt Uncensored", with Terry Ryan of Adobe

We will have an extra special session of the CF Meetup, on *Monday* July 13 at noon (US EDT). Adobe CF Evangelist Terry Ryan will present "Centaur and Bolt Uncensored", the two-hour ultimate user group tour event.


Join us for this special one-time only event, on a special day: while Adobe has been doing Centaur/Bolt user group tour event over the past few weeks, at each meeting they've shared more and different things. This event will be the capstone tour event, revealing all the features shared to this point, and more. Adobe ColdFusion Evangelist Terry Ryan assures me that nothing will be held back as he talks about both Centaur and Bolt.

While this will be recorded, like all meetings, it's a unique chance to get your questions answered as well as hear the most info yet available on Centaur (the next release of ColdFusion) and Bolt (the new CFML integrated development environment). Spread the word, pointing people to this page, http://www.meetup.com/coldfusionmeetup/calendar/10841349/ for more information, and let's see if we can make this the biggest CFMeetup event so far. Join us online on the day at experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup.

(The CFMeetup is a an official Adobe CF user group that meets weekly, typically Thursdays, online. More at coldfusionmeetup.com.)

Again, please notice the special day for this meeting, Monday July 13, at noon US EDT (what time is that for you"?), and spread the word!

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