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ColdFusion 8 migration resources (from 6, 7, or even earlier)

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Someone asked me about migrating from CF 6 to 8, lamenting that he couldn't find any migration resources. Sadly, there are no official Adobe resources for upgrading to CF8, but I will mention a guide to upgrading to CF 7 from CF 6 (or even 5) that Macromedia offered, which many may have missed. I'll also point out a couple other things and blog entries of others that do focus more on moving to CF 8 specifically (and perhaps others will comment with still more.)

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I haven't upgraded recently, but I have received code from vendors who obviously haven't been trained in CF since version 6, (or earlier!) so I've spent a lot of time updating code.

I'm find myself doing a lot of find/replace for the ParameterExists() functions, replacing variables without a scope with the proper scope name, replacing custom tags with components, etc. etc. etc... The trick is convincing your client or employer that the upgrades are necessary even though things aren't showing any problems... yet.
# Posted By Doug | 8/11/09 9:46 AM
Hi Charlie,

Thanks for this nice informative blog, just wanted to point out the last link by Marcelo Lewin, took me to a weird web site, looks like a spam link to me.


# Posted By Philip Bedi | 1/14/10 6:44 AM
Thanks for the kind regard, Philip. As for that link, no it's not a spam link. It's simply a parked page at GoDaddy, so I assume that Marcello didn't didn't keep his domain name so now the link points there instead.

Sadly, I can't even find an old version of the page at archive.org, so unless he resolve the problem it may be gone to the ether. I'll leave it just in case he resolve the problem, though, and these comments can help any others who experience this. Thanks
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