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Discount Code Available for FusionReactor, FusionDebug

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Ah, August, when thoughts turn to vacations...and end of summer sale-a-thons. :-) I want to share that the fine folks at Intergral, makers of FusionReactor and FusionDebug, are offering a 10% discount coupon code, CFCOMMUNITY, good through the end of this September.

I've written about both these tools quite a lot in the past, if you're interested in exploring my respective blog entry categories: FusionReactor and FusionDebug.

I've also written about them in the FusionAuthority Quarterly Update, if you happen to get that great magazine. Most recently I did, "FusionReactor: ColdFusion Server HealthCare (and What's New in Version 3)", in Volume ii Issue iv (Summer 2008), and a couple of years ago I did, "FusionDebug Explained: Interactive Step Debugging for CFML", in Volume i Issue ii (Fall 2006).

I'll also have news coming up about more cool stuff coming from the folks, including FusionAnalytics and FusionReactor Enterprise Monitor, both discussed in the FusionReactor Labs, as well as the recently released AIR Enterprise Dashboard, recently promoted from the labs to an available product.

Until then, go enjoy the discount code to get these great products, which help you with debugging and monitoring whether you run on CF 6, 7, or 8. (For more on why they still matter even with CF 8, see this previous entry.)

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