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CF 8.01 includes licensed technology. Things that make you go hmm.

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I happened to notice today that the 8.01 release notes end with this reference: "Portions include technology used under license from Autonomy", and later it lists "TVirtualStringTree". These made me wonder: who/what were Autonomy and TVirtualStringTree?

I did a little digging, and hadn't seen anyone else write about these (it seems) in the CF blogopshere, so I'll share what I found. They're nothing dramatic.


In the first case, I guess I just missed the news, but back in 2005, Autonomy acquired Verity. (Seems like the acquisition last month of MySQL by Sun. Doesn't appear to have been too significant in the grand scheme. The tools continue to be known by their former company names.) Also, more digging found that this had been mentioned in the 8.0 release notes as well, but I just hadn't noticed it. FWIW, there was no mention in the CF7 notes/docs that I could see.

TVirtualStringTree in Report Builder?

What about TVirtualStringTree? Well, that isn't as obvious. It appears to be a Delphi component, and the only thing I can think of that's written in Delphi that might have been updated for 8.01 would be the CF Report Builder. Perhaps Dean Harmon or someone else from Adobe can confirm that guess. It's not important, of course.

Just one of those "things that make you go hmm" (to the younger folks out there, that's a reference to a bit from the old Arsenio Hall show of the early 90s. Gosh, now I know how my parents must have felt when they'd talk to me about the the Jack Parr show, when I was a teen in the 70's!)

PS: Searching the CF blogs

BTW, I said I hadn't seen any mention of this in the CF blogosphere. Was I going only on my memory? Heavens, no. I don't at all claim to have read most (or even 10%) of all many, MANY blogs out there on CF. It's great that there are so many, and that we have so many CF blog aggregators. But even then, none let you search all the past blog entries (at least it seems to me, as I searched for some text on that entry in all the aggregators and none found it).

So how does one do a quick search of most CF blogs? Well, last year I created a Google Custom Search Engine I call CFSearch. It lets me (and you)search only CF-related blogs and other resources. There are other CF CSEs out there, and I wrote about them back when I created mine.

I make a bookmark link for my CSE so that I can do such a search easily. Hope you'll consider doing the same.

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About the aggs - do you mean "None let you search entries that weren't aggregated?" I know mine, and I'm sure MXNA, Goog, FS, etc, let you search all the entries aggregated, and technically, that's "past" entries, but their search data begins with the first entry aggregated.

FYI - Arsenio was on "Flavor of Love" this week. Yes - I watch that show - and yes - I know it's trash. ;)
Here I thought "things that make you go hmm" was a C&C Music Factory reference.
Todd's right Ray. It is a C & C Music Factory reference. Circa 90-91, somewhere in there...
Actually, Arsenio _did_ have a routine that used that phrase. He may have gotten it from C and C (and I remember that song now), but they both used the phrase.
Yes, but how about the aggregator aggegrators they have coming out now?
# Posted By Calvin | 4/16/08 2:51 PM
@Ray: I don't doubt that Arsenio used it or said it. Wherever it originated from. :)

Fun Off-topic Fact: Firefox keeps wanting to spell check Arsenio as Arsenic.
Your not D-list until the Firefox spell checker doesn't recognize you.

Let's try Camden.

Sweet. ;)
If my memory serves me correctly, Arsenio was using the phrase before C+C Music Factory came out with their song. His show got started in 1989.

I was right. Just looked on Wikipedia and it says that his bit inspired the hit song in 1990 by C+C Music Factory.
# Posted By Jeff Self | 4/16/08 3:11 PM
Well, I'm glad we got that settled. Pretty funny how 2 things that had really nothing to do with the blog entry topic got all this comment. This stuff just mystifies me sometimes. :-)
So, Ray, your observation explains things some, at least with respect to your agggretor, and feedsquirrel. The search I'd done was from an entry of mine from Aug 06. It's fair that you shouldn't be expected to have saved that content (though to be clear, my Google Custom Search has no problem with that, plus it searches more than just blogs, which still makes it quite worth using.)

Still, it's a shame that neither FAAG nor MXNA can find something from just a few weeks ago. (I was searching for the content ""The info in the message was write", which happens to be a typo that makes it a very unique sentence. Neither FAAG nor MXNA found it.)

I should add, though, that I had to NOT put it in quotes for it to be found on your search, which could trip some people up. And in feed-squirrel, it chopped off the string (only permitted so many characters) but I could put it in on the 2nd (search result) screen that it shows.
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