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Learning resource for beginning web developers

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you know anyone needing to learn the fundamentals of web application development--not CFML, but things like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and so on--here's an interesting resource.

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I also like to point people to W3 Schools: http://www.w3schools...
Yep, good call. And I'm sure there are other equally useful alternatives. I guess I should say I wasn't meaning to imply this was the only alternative, nor even the best, just that it was one people might miss if they don't tend to consider MS web development resources.

I've always felt that we CFers could get more out of sites and magazines devoted to other technologies (whether .NET, Java, PHP, etc) if we would just look past the technology-specific aspects of the resources and take from them the generic ideas.

And of course then there are generic resources like the w3schools site. Thanks for sharing that, Steve.
They have certs for HTML, PHP, and ASP - but nothing for CFML.... bummer
# Posted By Sid Wing | 2/3/09 1:02 PM
But Sid, it's a Microsoft site after all. We can't really expect them to offer anything about CFML. I only pointed out the resource because it covers ancillary topics that even CFers would/should want to know about. Let's not ask for the moon. :-)
thanks for sharing... very nice!
# Posted By susan | 5/25/09 8:26 PM
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