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Connect recordings listed with breezecentral.com domain will break: here's the solution

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you're a speaker, user group manager, or blogger who offers URLs for previously recorded Breeze/Connect presentations, you may find that some now break because they point to a domain that Adobe no longer supports, breezecentral.com. Someone noted that an old entry that had been entered previously in my UGTV repository now broke. I looked into it, found the answer, and am sharing it here for others.

It's understandable, since Breeze was renamed to Connect a long time ago, but the bummer is that so many folks have for so long pointed to such recordings, and now they will all break. I've changed all the UGTV entries.

Here is a table of the old URLS and new ones that I've found to work for each. It's not always quite as obvious as it may seem:

These need adobe.acrobat.com
adobechats.adobe.breezecentral.com adobechats.adobe.acrobat.com
adobechats.breezecentral.com adobechats.adobe.acrobat.com
mmchats.breezecentral.com mmchats.adobe.acrobat.com
mmusergroup.breezecentral.com mmusergroup.adobe.acrobat.com
seminars.breezecentral.com seminars.adobe.acrobat.com
These just need acrobat.com
experts.breezecentral.com experts.acrobat.com
stevenerat.breezecentral.com stevenerat.acrobat.com
mmse.breezecentral.com mmse.acrobat.com

Of course, I'm sure there are many other URLS out there using breezecentral.com. I'm only listing those that were in my UGTV database, that I tested and changed.

So for example, Doug Smith had noted that this entry from a 2006 talk by Sean Corfield, on "Objects and Persistence" failed (with domain not found):


The correct new URL is:


So I've taken care of the UGTV entries. If you have your own listing of such URLs, I hope you'll take note of all this and make the changes for yourself and your readers.

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