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Now over 300 recorded presentations on the UGTV site

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
The UGTV site now has over 300 recordings. What a milestone. :-) John Mason just informed me, after he posted a recording to the site, that he noticed his was the 300th recording on the site. We quipped that since we're both user group managers there's really not much I can offer him as a prize that he doesn't already have. :-)

Totals so far, after 20 months

But yes, as of today there are 301 presentations from 180 presenters, totaling 290+ hours of video. The site will be 2 years old in October (I started stocking the list in late September before opening the doors to the first other contributors, and the first of which was Nick Kwiatkowski on 10/2/06.)

Anyway, so at about 20 months since then that's a rate of about 15 per month or one every other day. Not bad, and of course thanks to all who have contributed links (as well as to the speakers who let their sessions be recorded) so we could link to and view them.

Always room for more...anyone can contribute, easily

As I try to point out often, anyone can contribute a recording. No signup or registration is required. You can submit one in about 20 seconds. (And you'll note there's never been a spam entry. I've got that covered, beyond just a captcha.)

If you've not checked it out, come on down

Anyway, to learn more about the site (and its many features if you just want to find and view recordings), either visit the site or check out the other entries I've done on it, linked to below.

Here's to the next 300!

Hi Charlie,

UGTV is a Great Resource for ColdFusion Community and User Groups. Great work Charlie.
# Posted By Akbar | 7/18/08 12:02 AM
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